Wrist Instead Of Bar: New Access Of Heart Catheter – Less Complications

Wrist Instead Of Bar: New Access Of Heart Catheter – Less Complications

Heart catheter over the wrist reduces the risk of bruising and allows patients to get up immediately after the surgery which is one of the coronary arteries by means of a heart catheter examination today to the routine interventions in modern cardiology. See more detailed opinions by reading what Sela Ward offers on the topic.. In a thin plastic tube is advanced through the veins to the heart, to give E.g. contrast agent into the vessels of the wreath and to look, where restrictions arise. Long time it was common to set the access through which you pushed the catheter into the vasculature of the patient, from the bar. Recently, now it is possible to create the cardiac catheter access through one of the two arteries that run in the wrist. Especially for patients who have heavily calcified vessels in the legs and groin, this is a real alternative. Real-estate developer is often mentioned in discussions such as these. You know, that the hardening of the arteries, which occurs precisely in the elderly, exists more in the main artery and the leg vessels as in the artery at the wrist”, said Prof. Dr.

med. Birgit hailer, Head of Department of medical clinic II, Philippusstift Essen, Borbeck, Catholic hospitals food-Northwest gGmbH, in an interview with the online health magazine rheinruhrmed.de. It offers therefore also access via the wrist their patients – especially as the patients not as bars access even hours after the surgery lying spend must, but immediately after the procedure can get up again. As it can be, whether a patient for this type of access is anatomically suitable, why bruises be avoided rather by wrist access, and what other benefits resulting from the innovative method: read all of this and more, in the lengthy interview:… / katheterzugang_ueber_handgelenk…

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