Fascinating History Of The Legendary Lego
Let's recall their childhood! We all took a great interest from an early age the creation of any structures from the designer, but most like to receive a gift of a beautiful, bright and inviting Lego … It was just a dream all the kids! In general, the situation has changed somewhat, and most children are addicted to various computer games and not lego, but the company, "Lego" are still trying to stay afloat. Do you personally know how it all begin? In fact, few people remember that the original company, "Lego", which had then not yet given name, manufactured wood products daily: different ironing boards, ladders and many other products, totally not related to toys. This production opened in 1932 Kristianenov couple who lived in faraway Denmark. However, during the next financial crisis in their country in these products is almost completely no longer sold, and the company decided to dramatically change its business profile. It was then, and begin releasing the first children's Lego. It is worth noting that while they were just made of wood and along with previously manufactured products. A little later the company called us all the famous 'lego', but it worked only seven workers, two of them – the owners of the company (the father and son).
Times were the brainchild of Kristianenov and grew. In 1936, LEGO Factory already produced about 42 types of different toys, but then the price for them was by no means modest. Several years later, the plant burns the corporation and after its restoration company specializing exclusively in children's toys. A new stage of development of all our favorite design is 1947, which granted rights to LEGO to develop a certain cube that can knit with the other kind. It can be called a prototype known "Hollow", but the first block fastened with other unreliable and facilities immediately fell apart. However, already at that time the owners knew that such a cube – a new step in the evolution of LEGO.
A little later, the developers have stopped working with wood and rested on plastic. By the end of the forties LEGO could provide the buyer more than two options for models of the designer. In the middle of 1955 the company produces children's Lego set, which later developed into constructor, which we all know and love so much. It is not always a corporation all went smoothly, for example, in 1960 burned down shop, all still produce wooden products Lego. It was decided not to rebuild, but simply replaced by the shop on release plastic products. So, thanks to the LEGO soon became very popular all over the world and opens his airline with the same name Lego. A little later in the Lego sets are beginning to invest instructions assembly, without which we can not now imagine LEGO. Finally, in 1967, the light appears detail "hollow", which becomes the base for children's designers. By the way, the company does not yet have a logo, but it came up only in 1973, the year. So way and developed a popular company LEGO. In honor of gratitude to customers for the company erecting the tower of the famous Lego. The first was built at a height of 13.1 m and the second one even got into Guinness Book of Records! It was founded in Moscow in the late nineties and rose to 24.88 pm We hope that our grandchildren will see this wonderful Lego and can play with it and enjoy!