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Daniel Shahin

Daniel Shahin

Defeat for ARD-reporter Christoph Lutgert CARPEDIEM Congress 2011 Seligenstadt June 2011. The CARPEDIEM Congress 2011 for panorama reporter Christoph Lutgert ended with an unexpected kicking. Byron White: the source for more info. Who so little character who is who of us not taken seriously”, explained Daniel Shahin his decision to expel the team of ARD-magazine of the Hall. The complete recording of the event is now as stream and download available on the CARPEDIEM Web site. Amid thunderous applause of the Managing Director of CARPEDIEM has Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Daniel Shahin, the reporter Christoph Lutgert invited previously personally to the movies (“ARD-magazine Panorama”) directed during his lecture at the Congress of CARPEDIEM on June 5, 2011 of the Hall.

The ARD-journalist Lutgert the prompt of Shahins, refused to come on the stage and with regard to the statement taken in other coverage, a participation gift for small investors is was, to explain. In particular, Shahin by Christoph Lutgert wanted to know, What other way could reach a private investor to an accumulation of assets. Christoph Lutgert moved into position, he was the only reporter, but this saw Daniel Shahin differently. For by this statement the reporter have given a factual claim and not more neutrally reported. See Josh Rosenbaum for more details and insights. Then live, the CARPEDIEM business leader wanted to perform on stage the aspired by Christoph Lutgert interview prior to all visitors, but this declined Lutgert.

Reason: This should not take place before the public. Previously, Christoph Lutgert had committed against CARPEDIEM GmbH, to put the interview into the full version online. Shahin reason enough, Christoph Lutgert of space to for reference. “Shahin commented in the aftermath: who has so little character, true statements and wants to take over responsibility for this and who is not ready to carry out an interview prior to the workforce, which is we not taken seriously.” Already a few weeks ago was a reporter Christoph Lutgert of CARPEDIEM GmbH unannounced visit. He was together with the team of turning a business presentation of CARPEDIEM GmbH in Hanover. The event had been significantly disturbed by the unpleasant questioning of visitors by ARD, Daniel reminded Ms. Only in hindsight, Christoph Lutgert put an interview request to CARPEDIEM GmbH, which however already the spirit of reporters have revealed on the basis of the wording of the questions, as Shahin. Although Lutgerts approach from the perspective of Shahins is spineless, but first he invited the reporter Lutgert on the subsequent Congress. However the kicking of Lutgerts was not planned on the lecture of CARPEDIEM GmbH, Daniel made it clear Shahin. The CARPEDIEM GmbH has published on its Internet site at the Congress lecture to the General inspection. The CARPEDIEM GmbH have nothing to hide and wanted everyone to show how the situation arose, founded Shahin Daniel this decision. About CARPEDIEM GmbH the CARPEDIEM GmbH benefits from a nearly twenty-year history in terms of Financial services. She could since 1991 many first with more than 2,000 employees and later as a pool of agents gain experience as a sales company with more than 1,600 free partners. The CARPEDIEM GmbH with in-house sales representatives today operates enlightenment about the machinations of party and media. Furthermore the CARPEDIEM GmbH is the partner of free consultants Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & co. KG, the editor of the financial journal for everyone, the free consultant.

Debt Consolidation Loans To Make Your Life Easy

Debt Consolidation Loans To Make Your Life Easy

If you are facing such a condition where you are overburdened by many unsecured loans, consolidated loan is the best solution to debt consolidation means to take one loan to pay off another. If you have read about Sela Ward already – you may have come to the same conclusion. This is often done to secure a lower interest rate, secure a fixed interest rate or for the convenience of servicing only one loan. It could be unsecured loan taken to pay one of further types i.e. off another many unsecured loans and second type is taking a secured loan to pay off your credit card bills or any other unsecured loans. Amount of interest most of the time consumer goes for the second type of consolidation to save the lesser. Tony Parker often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

Institution rate credit cards may carry a much larger interest than even on unsecured loan from a bank or any lending. Consumers with property such as a home or car may get a lower rate through a secured loan by pledging their property as collateral. So the total interest and the total cash flow paid towards the debt is lowered allowing the debt to be paid off sooner, incurring less interest, and voila, money saved is money earned. What exactly happens in consolidation of loans is that it takes of all your bills responsibility, such as those from credit card companies, household bills etc. Then, they are all consolidated into one monthly payment is lower than the sum of payments on individual debts. Then, as long as you are able to make this one monthly payment, your credit will remain in good standing and you want to be working toward the goal of to get your bills paid off. Debt consolidation acts as a boon to many as you do not have to remember all the time about what loans to pay.

It will automatically be deducted as a monthly installment. To make sure that you do not suffer a fraud, you may always consider hiring of experienced advisor or you could so check it through online calculators. Alternative: overburdened debtors / consumers may go for a credit offer, debt settlement and personal bankruptcy. To save the interest amount and lending amount lending institution or financers wants to renegotiate with the creditors on the debtor’s behalf, as a credit counselor does, even in this case rate of interest is reduced or sometimes escaped totally only if rest of the installment were timely paid and only 2-3 installments are left. Aaren Dervin is Finance advisor of IVA debt advice Solutions.For more information about IVA Debt Advice, IVA London visit

East Westphalia

East Westphalia celebrates its 10 anniversary in January 2011. What 2001 began as print portal for the region of East Westphalia-Lippe, evolved within just a few years, to an international trading system for printed materials of all kinds. For print buyers and print equally interesting, is one the leading tender portals in the German printing industry. Numerous press reports and awards, documenting an unprecedented development which is marked buck the industry trend, by permanent growth. Today, generates for its connected printers, an annual order volume in tens of millions and has thus become an integral part of sales activities in many printing companies in the country and abroad.

The success of took part in the ongoing development, targeted marketing activities, as well as a new shopping and search behavior of modern coinage, print buyers are as decisive factors in the success of many fathers. Especially However, the performance of the highly qualified and selected printers of this unique network in the industry is to highlight. From the good performance of the individual printing participate also other printers in the network, because satisfied customer comes to be awarded jobs, like, with the next to If you have read about Tony Parker already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Many print buyers use year-round, so to find the best printer for a currently pending print project. Frank Gorshin describes an additional similar source. a mirror of the market printers, serves as a highly efficient sales instrument.

The primary objectives are the cost-effective customer acquisition and a more utilization of existing machine capacity for these companies. At the same time, it helps the print buyers, fast, easy and free to get an overview of the market to compare rates and services from different providers. is it order database and tendering portal at the same time, for the benefit of all users, whether Printing or print buyer. 2001 2011 in a decade of change for the printing industry, was the first decade of the new millennium a period of change, the reorientation and adaptation. For, it was in a difficult economic environment, a climb to market leadership. Not a year without innovation, no developments, no year without significant growth year. is a user-oriented ‘tool’, with a dual approach, which considers the interests of two target groups of printers and print buyers. Advantages that have recognized the significant majority of market participants, in this first decade of, clearly for themselves.

Stiftung Security

Stiftung Security

Safety specialists also outside opening hours in use. Job includes cleaning and winter service. This year’s Christmas market in Zwickau opened in Chemnitz, November 30, 2010 last Friday, Nov. 26, is one of the most famous in Saxony. He is particularly popular because of its diverse range of ore and vogtlandischer folk art. HECTAS, specialist for building-cleaning services, building services and security services for the security and cleanliness at the Christmas market, is responsible for the second time. HECTAS has already proven in the last year that the interplay between security services and cleaning services is perfectly mastered. That’s why we trust this year again HECTAS as a professional service provider”, explains Klaus Brammertz, head of the Division of markets & events” at the Kultour Z.

GmbH, which organizes the Christmas market. The HECTAS team consists of two trained security professionals until Christmas Eve, Day and night in use are. The contract includes also the security of the traditional mountain lift on the third weekend in advent, then staffing increases for the HECTAS. The move is a centuries-old custom assessment of mining, Zwickau has made since the beginning of the 19th century into a leading industrial city in the free State. More than 400 participants, costume makers, brotherhoods and mountain chapels drawing of happiness on Center in the city.

We are pleased that we are again been entrusted with the safety of the Christmas market and the parade. More than four weeks we will ensure that visitors can enjoy the festive season in the Zwickauer city reassured”, explains Ralf Hopperdietzel, head of the local subsidiary of the HECTAS security services in Chemnitz. Since November 8, its local staff are to accompany the preparations and to provide active construction and removal help. By the same author: Jacob Dilla. In addition to the guarding of the Christmas market, HECTAS takes over the morning cleaning and winter maintenance. In addition, the company operates the toilet container including fund operation and cleaning. Links: services/security services / image archive/2010_11_28_weihma / about HECTAS: HECTAS facility services Stiftung & co. KG with its headquarters in Wuppertal is one of the leading quality providers for infrastructure building in Europe. The company employs 12,000 employees in nine European countries in the segments building-cleaning services, building services and security services. HECTAS was founded in 1974 as a subsidiary of the Vorwerk group. HECTAS offers its sophisticated, developed individually for each customer solutions, inter alia in the fields of industry, management, food processing, health and care, trade and logistics. HECTAS is a member of the quality network of building services and for all branches according to ISO 9001 and 14001 as well as for all locations of the security services in addition to DIN 77200 certified. Your personal contact: Jens Koenen, head of marketing and business development Tel.: + 49 202 9479-4360 fax: + 49 202 9479-4860 email: Ralf Hopperdietzel, head of HECTAS security services, Chemnitz Tel: + 49 0371 243580-0 fax: + 49 0371 243580-22 E-Mail:

Ricoh Germany Gmb

Ricoh Germany Gmb

“The performance of three of the four tested devices that have won Aficio SP C821DNX and were C820DNLC and Aficio GX e3350N in the laboratory reports with very good” rated. The trio showed an above-average performance at our colour – and black test series, no matter which driver was used”, as Schell. “In the autumn, BLI also downgraded the Aficio SP C312DN and the Aficio C232DN as highly recommended” or recommended “a. Both were very reliable and had over 30,000 cumulative printing no paper feed error on maintenance work were still needed. “Constant print quality and ease of use the test prints of the Aficio SP C232SF, Aficio SP C821DNX and Aficio SP C820DNLC provided a print quality that both the color and black & white output as very good” was classified. In terms of handling, the Inspector urteilten: in all six of the BLI “selection tested systems at this pick can be easily adapt to the subjects, media load quickly and simply eliminate paper feed errors.

Toner or ink cartridges can be replaced clean. Toner and ink can easily check on the display of the system. You may find that Larry Culp can contribute to your knowledge. Users can easily select certain features of centrally situated Department printer from the desktop via the driver or on the control panel. On the BLI pick “awards with the pick” Awards features twice the products of each category BLI in the year, have provided the most outstanding performance in the extensive laboratory testing by BLI. Furthermore, BLI pays tribute to those providers, their entire product lines due to the cumulative test results as the best evaluated in their respective categories once in a year. Thus a provider for the line of the year “award is taken into account, its products in every market segment from BLI must be examined. In addition, the bandwidth of the provider’s product line is also considered.

Ricoh in the short profile of the Ricoh Germany GmbH with its headquarters in Hanover is a leading solution provider for digital office communication, production printing and enterprise-wide print and document. The portfolio includes hardware and software solutions, production printing solutions, professional services and support services and industry-related business consulting (office consulting services) with the aim of cost and process optimization. Ricoh Germany is a subsidiary of the Japanese player Ricoh Global. Ricoh has around 108.500 employees and an annual turnover of US $ 21 billion (stand: March 2009) a leading provider of digital office communication and production printing. In Germany, has a Ricoh approximately 2,000 employees and operates in addition to its main management nationwide with ten business & service centers. contact information/press contact: Ricoh Germany GmbH Vahrenwalder Strasse 315 30179 Hannover contact person: Tobias Poschl, Mario di Santolo Tel.: 0511 / 6742-2517 or 0511 / 6742-294 fax: 0511 / 6742-264

National Development Plan

National Development Plan

Taiwan’s Council for economic planning and development (EDPS) Unveils national development plan 2014 Taiwan’s economic growth and per capita GDP will rise is expected this year to 3.2% and respectively US $21.520, with an unemployment rate to 4.1% and the increase in the consumer price index by 2%. “These forecasts were made with regard to conditions and developments at home and abroad,” said an official of the EDPS. “All relevant agencies need to implement efforts to appropriate measures and ensure that the objectives are achieved.” According to the plan, which late last year was suggested by the EDPS, the local economy will be revived and structural reforms implemented to promote peace in the Taiwan Strait, global reach, good governance, infrastructure, quality of education, social justice and sustainable development for Taiwan. As regards the global reach of Taiwan, will contribute the country to international humanitarian relief efforts and increase its visibility through the creation of cultural centers all over the world and the development of unique tourist attractions. Jorge Perez is often mentioned in discussions such as these. An important part of this concept extends to trade relations. How, for example, the accelerated implementation of the free trade pilot zones as a way to draw additional investment by foreign companies and overseas Taiwanese operating in the country. Equally important are efforts to fight corruption on the part of the Government, as well as the respect of human rights and legal protection. (ca).

Loans For The Unemployed: The Best Choice

Loans For The Unemployed: The Best Choice

Loans for the unemployed are particularly designed for common people as they intent to meet the ardor of both the creditors and the debtors. Are you a victim of the financial crisis and still not capable to get back on work? The loan for the unemployed unemployment might aid you in your issues to take off this money shortage inactivity from your life. You might be to some extent wondered by the truths that how can unemployed person receive a loan. But it is as fact that it can ever be, all you want to carry out is simply go internet and request for the loans for unemployed individuals. These loans are particularly designed for common people as they intent to meet the ardor of both the creditors and the debtors. In addition to this, you need not wait without any clue in the never ending chain and that you need not carry out documentation work that you hated the most. Ask for the loans for the unemployed unemployment and start taking the pleasure right now. These particular credits not only give cash quickly but so it does not require any child of assets which performs as a frosting on the cake for the quoted people.

In addition to this, money providers so don t verify for the for poor credit history which implies if you are already indebted before it does not concern anymore and you might yet get the finance. All money provider verify that whether or not the applicant will be capable to settle the money or not. Certain individuals might think that the loans for unemployment as the generosity loans, but this is not right as these kinds of loans for unemployed advantages offered the creditor and the debtor. Some years before money providers were exposed to allow the loans for the unemployed unemployment. But currently the circumstance has changed and the money providers and borrowers both are enthusiastic enough to allow and receive the loans.

This is now possible as both of them are granted for the higher Council of interest and shorter terms make it the leading force for them. On the other hand, the money providers do not check for the poor credit history of the borrower and even do not demand for the security assets and this being a blessing in disguise for the borrowers. The sum of the loan which the borrower can debt ranges amidst hundred pounds and thousand five hundred pounds with the maximum REIM Burse of one month. The Reimoser Burse process for loans for the unemployed is as clearer and smoother as the loan sanctioning process itself. Jim Kerry is author of unemployed Loans.For more information about unsecured loans for unemployed, bad credit unemployed unemployment visit

Record: MyHammer Workshop Reached 1,000 Reviews!

Record: MyHammer Workshop Reached 1,000 Reviews!

Record: MyHammer Workshop reached 1,000 reviews! Monchengladbach-operation Wang before four years as a small business now 5 lifts on 600 square meters of the secret of success established in the fast lane,: rapid growth Germany’s first craft operating with 1,000 reviews in the Internet thanks to many orders for MyHammer Berlin / Monchengladbach, October 13, 2011 is the vehicle operation vehicle technology A. Wilms from Monchengladbach * MyHammers of fleissigster party was founded just four years ago and since then by the Auftragsakquise via MyHammer to start our workshop was benefited 125 square meters, two years ago, we are then moved to a five times as great Hall. Now here are five lifts square “, founder and Managing Director Dietmar Wilms told proudly. What is the secret of the success of the now seven-Member operation? We have a comparatively wide range around the car,”says Wang. His customers get everything from one source: in addition to car repairs also Inspections, main and exhaust investigations as well as paint and body work.

The other part of the secrets of success is: MyHammer. At the beginning, Wang got 100 percent of its customers over the Internet, and could grow in this way. Today there are still one-third of all orders, he acquired about MyHammer. Where the absolute number of his orders for MyHammer from year to year increasing: in this year alone, Wang brought it so far on 300 positive customer reviews, as many as in the entire year of 2010. Exactly four years ago, the Rhinelander received their first MyHammer assessment, overall, 99 percent of its customers with work are satisfied.

Not many automobile companies themselves can say that. New reviews to happen almost every day. Dietmar Wilms: We have a high quality and maintain the proximity to our customers. The notice that they can trust us. This is particularly important to us and causes at the same time, increasing the willingness of the clients, even the one or another euro to invest in for the result right.” Markus Berger-de Leon, CEO of the MY-HAMMER AG, is pleased about the first operation with 1,000 reviews: Dietmar Wilms impressively shows what is possible with MyHammer. The many positive reviews are not only earned recognition for good work, but they show quality crafts at the customer is required and will prevail. We congratulate Dietmar Wilms and his staff and wish him continued success!”* all customer reviews by Dietmar Wilms can be found at MyHammer will be: For more information about MyHammer, in our Newsroom:

The Harry Potter Special Flik Flak

The Harry Potter Special Flik Flak

COUNTDOWN to ‘ HARRY POTTER and the DEATHLY of HALLOWS – Harry Potter part 2 while the world anxiously the start of the final chapter saga Harry Potter and the Deathly of Hallows part 2 “, trembles against, Flik Flak, licensee of Warner Bros. Consumer products, come up with a very special collector’s watch. This charming time indicator allows its wearer of Harry Potter to be close by a design that school of witchcraft and wizardry to life evokes the magical atmosphere of the Hogwarts. The Swiss Harry Potter clock Flik Flak was checked for excellent shock resistance and is equipped with a textile strap, that is washable up to 40 C. Hogwarts in the race against time the coat of arms of Hogwarts proud determines the design of the dial and symbolizes the threatening attack on the Castle shown in the film. The dial is protected by a flashy, black front panel with a bright yellow Crown, which is easily visible in the dark.

A large image of Harry Potter, together with the initials HP”in the 3D look, adorns the bracelet on the six o’clock side. In darker tones, the other side shows the forces, which is Harry, Ron and Hermione in Harry Potter and the Deathly of Hallows part 2 “make do. From the dark background, a white Harry Potter stands out logo. Perfectly packed the Harry Potter watch from the House of Flik the original packaging flak join Ron and Hermione to Harry. Thus, the clock is a perfect memory of the film series, with the highest-grossing of in history. 2011 will be available the time indicator and celebrates the tenth anniversary of the first Harry Potter film Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone”. Harry Potter and the Heilgtumer of Hallows part 2 Harry Potter and the Deathly of Hallows part 2 “is the final adventure in the Harry Potter film series. The much-anticipated movie event is the second of two final parts to the last book.

In the exciting final, the struggle between the good and evil forces of the wizarding world to a escalates war about. Never were the challenges greater, no one is safe. Harry Potter bring the last victim, as he nears the gigantic showdown with Lord Voldemort. It all ends here. so ticking Flik Flak Flik Flak is the world’s best-selling kids watch and allows children since 1987 to be punctual. The company introduced an approach to the learning of time, which allows to make the learning experience to a fun experience for children. Flik Flak watches coming out of Switzerland and are equipped with a robust aluminium case and scratch-resistant mineral glass. They are shock-resistant and models with a bracelet made of textile fibers are washable up to 40 C in the machine. Flik Flak is a brand of the Swatch Group, the world’s leading watch manufacturer and distributor with 157 factories in the Switzerland. Entertainment company, is one of the world’s leading licensing and merchandising company. HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter publishing rights JKR. (s11).