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The things in Cuba (and in I exile) begin to move. Slowly, and very fitted to the economic thing, but to change. If the recent measures flexibilizers of the Government have allowed to the incipient takeoff of the work independently and the private initiative – in six months, the number of Cuban autoempleados has been duplicated, arriving at the number of 320,000 people, outside the island, in the Cuban community in the USA, also they are seen and some steps occur. Go to Dean Lawsuit for more information. The recent trip to the island of the outstanding exiled industralist Carlos Saladrigas is sample of it. Saladrigas is cofounding of The Vincam Group, considered in 1998 the greater Hispanic company of the United States, and of military man in the rows of the hard anticastrismo it has happened to demand the participation of I exile in the economic reconstruction of Cuba, beginning from already if the present process of allows it to reforms.

Little Retentions

Little Retentions

Normality dominates the Spanish highways. This Friday in the evening were fatal accidents no. 6.7 million displacements are expected. Normality dominates to the Spanish highways this morning, although little retentions in Burgos and Tarragona take place, according to sources of the Main directorate of Trfico (DGT). To the 11:00 hours, in Burgos, there is five kilometers of retentions in a-1 in the locality of the Puebla de Arganzn and a kilometer in the AP-1 in Chestnuts grove, whereas an accident in the Vendrell (Tarragona) has brought about a clogging of two kilometers in the AP-7 in North sense. Between the 15,00 and 24,00 hours of this Friday any fatal accident in the Spanish highways did not take place, have needed the same sources. The DGT has started up from the 15,00 hours of Friday and to the 00,00 hours of the next Monday 1 of August, a special device of monitoring to take care of the 6.7 million displacements of long-haul anticipated for these three days. Traffic calculates that throughout the month of August 43 will take place million trips by highway, million less than in the same month of 2010, period in which 188 people in accidents were killed. topic at hand. Source of the news: Little retentions in Burgos and Tarragona in the second day of operation exit of August

Democratic Agreement

Democratic Agreement

The BOE has published the text approved by the Basque Parliament in 2008 in favor of a popular consultation, known like ' Ibarretxe&#039 plan;. Not it must to an error but to the strict fulfillment of the law. The Basque Country was the unique community that did not send to the Government reporter of the State the approved norms and this situation is being solved. The Government reporter of Estado (BOE) has published east weekend the text approved by the Basque Parliament in favor of a popular consultation, known like ' Ibarretxe&#039 plan; , three years after its approval in the Camera of Vitoria. In the text two questions are included: " Are You in agreement in supporting a process of end engaged in a dialog of the violence, if previously manifest ETA of unequivocal form your will to put aim to the same in one go and for always? and " You in agreement are in which the Basque parties, without exclusions, initiate a negotiation process to reach a Democratic Agreement on the exercise of the right to decide of the Basque Town, and that this Agreement is put under rrndum before that year 2010 finalizes? " Sources of the Ministry of the Presidency have explained that its publication, the past Saturday, not must to an error but to the strict fulfillment of the law.

Thus, there are addition that the publication obeys to the necessity that it is at the time certainty in the BOE of the text approved by the Basque Parliament, like happens to those of the other regional Cameras. The same sources have argued that the Basque Country was the unique community that did not send to the BOE the approved norms and that this situation is being solved from the arrival to the Lehendakaritza de Patxi Lopez, with its gradual publication and the logical delay. Educate yourself with thoughts from Ken Kao. By this same reason, the Government reporter of the State also includes other nine laws approved by the Basque Parliament in 2008, among them the one of victims of the terrorism, social rights, police or the one of education. Source of the news: The BOE publishes the call of a rrndum on a possible negotiation with ETA.

The Republican Party

The Republican Party

To little more of a year of the presidential elections of the United States, the religion has become a decisive factor between the republican candidates. President Barack Obama, that appears to the re-election in November of 2012, crosses one of his lower moments in the popularity surveys. This fact, along with the slowness of the economic recovery, has given wings to all type of republican candidates. In June the alluvium of preservative candidacies began. Among them, there are protestants of the branches baptist, Lutheran, Methodist and evangelical; there are catholics, and there are mormones. Still there is space for more.

The 1 of November overcomes the term to register itself to the primary ones in Carolina of the South, that is first that closes the inscription. Until that day politicians can be presented/displayed who not yet have discarded to aspire to the nomination, like the ex- governor of Alaska, Palin SARAH, associated in the past to the pentecostal faith. The primary ones will start formally with caucus of Iowa, that is programmed in principle for the 6 of February. Source of the news: : The Republican Party sends to the war santa in the United States