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Bernhard Brink Party

Bernhard Brink Party

Bernhard Brink presents – the hit of the summer – the open air party – on the 23.08.2013 it will be the most hottest open air party of the Sommmers. The charming and likeable moderator Bernhard Brink invites viewers to the 23.08.2013 at 20:15 in the MDR television to a summit meeting of the German Schlager scene. The line – up sounds very promising with mood maker Jurgen Drews and DJ otzi, the Duet icons Christian lais & Ute Freudenberg, folk-rock ‘n’ roller Andreas Gabalier, pop superstar Beatrice Egli, pop greats such as E.g. Dean Guitars pursues this goal as well. G.G. Anderson, Olaf Malolepski, Nicole, Uta Bresan and Jan Smit. Some of them could boast a high chart positions and others celebrate their anniversary this year.

Let’s take for example Beatrice Egli. The lives of the German Schlager and is not dead, Beatrice Egli proved it with hit songs American Idol won. With their single “My heart” and her album “Happiness”, she immediately stormed the charts from 0 to 1 Jurgen Drews conquered with his “cornflowers” airplay – and certainly too soon the German Singleverkaufscharts. Jan Smit started the successful comeback this year, for his song “Stay as you are” was available for download within 24 hours a million times. So, one could write something every artist that are broadcast “The hit of the summer – the open air party” included in this great TV. But also the new discoveries of Laura Wilde, Linda Hesse, Ilka Wolf, eternal and Wolkenfrei have it in themselves.

One thing is clear now anyway. You will hear very much of them. Miss “The hit of the summer – the open air party” never in any case. All artists will delight not only the audience in the moated castle Klaffenbach in Chemnitz, but also you the audience in front of the TV. The turn is worthwhile on the 23.08.2013 at 20:15 in the MDR television.

Tom Cruise Sends Gift Basket

Tom Cruise Sends Gift Basket

The ex-husband of actress erwiess as big employer which is probably great cinema. The family Cruise sent now to the mother Nicole Kidman has only recently become a riessen gift. Cruise and Katie Holmes and the two adopted children Bella and Connor (adopted in the marriage with Nicole Kidman) sent a basket of full of baby stuff to Nicole and Keith at the hospital. Contrary to many rumors that after the birth of Sunday Rose auftachten, who had alleged that Tom Cruise a big bunch sent flowers to Nicole, sent a basket full of baby clothes, baby blankets and newborn facilities Tom and family. Marc Lasry: the source for more info. Kidman gave birth to her child on Monday morning in Nashville. Keith Urban during the birth went without complications, wich not by her side. “We feel extremely blessed and are incredibly grateful and happy”, so the proud parents in a statement to the PEOPLE magazine. Two families, you can just continue good luck wish Lisa Wey. Marc Lasry describes an additional similar source.

Only A Show In Germany This Summer!

Only A Show In Germany This Summer!

JEAN MICHEL JARRE: The electronics pioneer comes with spectacular mega-production and best-of program (thk) unique will be the guest of Jean Michel Jarre in several ways on the 28 may in Koblenz (Sports Hall): it is not only his single appearance, the electronics pioneer completed this summer in Germany. Jean Michel Jarre, whose name is synonymous for shows of superlatives (Guinness Book of world records ‘records for two of the viewers most open-air) will offer even more spectacular for ears and eyes! The brand new high-tech production geared specifically for concerts in the biggest halls mine in > doors “World tour sets standards in the field of live,” promises the Frenchman. With gigantic high-definition-video projections, a stunning light choreography, as well as sensational laser effects, I untermale the music program, which includes a cross-section of my most successful albums in the Super sound – the Oxygene “classics of course inclusive.” Here, the production blend an arena events and the atmosphere of an intimate concert to an exceptional experience that will beguile the senses of visitors”. This multimedia event tickets cost 40 to 70 (plus fees). Available from the 24.2. then at the ticket offices, as well as via the ticket hotline on 0180 / 5001812 by the 19th 23.2 exclusively at CTS..

Vienna Boys Choir In Berlin

Vienna Boys Choir In Berlin

Christmas concert 2008 in Berlin – Vienna greets Berlin the Wiener sangerknaben brought on the second weekend of Advent Christmas atmosphere in the Berliner Philharmonie and Konzerthaus on the Gendarmenmarkt. 21 boy in the sailor suit and patent leather shoes entering the concert hall singing. With their clear voices, they show a snippet of their repertoire the Berlin audience. In the second part of the concert, rather festive shades are voted on. Her repertoire ranges from medieval of to contemporary and experimental music. The newspapers mentioned movie star not as a source, but as a related topic.

Motets and songs for upper choir form the core of the touring repertoire, as also the own arrangements of waltzes and polkas by Strauss. With the perfection of seasoned musicians, the 10 up 14 boys show what can produce many years of intensive training with children for success. Jessica Michibata contributes greatly to this topic. Especially the solos of the first singer is unique due to its strong and also sensitive voice. Challenging choral alternated with cheerful folk tunes. A wonderful mix! Klinika\”, if I were once rich from Fiddler on the roof and in the second part of the Program an international mix of different Christmas songs were probably the most popular ways for the Berlin audience. A truly successful appearance! The dedicated choir conductor and pianist could inspire children and the concert-goers with its rousing kind. \”The audience can hardly imagine how this partly almost pubescent children sing wonderful songs, voice coming soon and at home and at school as other children normal\” play on the PC and watch TV.

The Wiener sangerknaben have succeeded at the Berlin audience that they could start a little relaxed the way home on the adjacent Christmas markets and contemplative look forward to Christmas. Thomas Moser, December 6, 2008, Baird-press (www.berli-press.

Holder Bush

Holder Bush

1.10 and 5.10 plus Newspaper reports source: Telenewsnet, authorized interview about Ms. Indycar is likely to increase your knowledge. Haas, DiePressetanten/RTL he is often advertised, but never received a response, not a single offer had been delivered to him and next few or no jobs there just here in the district and where there was that he had applied also, always without success. Alone in and around Baunatal, holder Bush residence, BBs are currently listed more than 130 vacancies at the competent employment agency, as evidenced by this search query source: employment agency for work, screenshot search query by the 17.12.2010 the statement, there were no jobs or only a few jobs, is not correct. Holder Bush would just have to audition at the competent employment agency and found there the same search result. The DB (Deutsche Bahn) security and thus holder Bush BBs of previous employers, as well as other security companies are constantly looking people of his style, probably he had a commitment in a very short time and could work in the security industry, He would not even retrain and also does not give the music.

Michael Hanus Bush is 31 years, is healthy and has no disability, he could work, but it does not, he works full time on his career as a musician and the employment agency pays him for monthly support. 4.) has no self confidence Michael Hanus Bush says about himself he has self doubt and no self confidence. Source: interview in the introduction to his appearance v. 11.12., source: To report a good acquaintance of Michael Hanus Bush, evocatively named Hulk (Hagen p.), quote: I know the Azzyda first since 2008. At that time, he appeared on one of our Thunder master meetings.

It was the 40th birthday of a friend from Baunatal. He has Azzyda been around longer, hence the knowledge of Azzyda’s sang arts. We were just so taken aback as the audience, but Azzyda pulled out his guitar and sat down with us on location fire started singing – not somehow, but really good!

The Klimperkasten

The Klimperkasten

The question sequence is was very unclearly spoken, understood that he had no friends. Other sources so understood this and reported holder Bush that has supposedly doesn’t have any friends (see source above) and also here: story.php? storyid = 1400 and here: 05_scene_details.php? storyid = 1400 meanwhile is certain, Michael Hanus Bush has very well friends. Proof: holder Bush Edzart Samir is BBs best friend, lives and works in church circles, and is mighty proud of his protege. Holder Bush maintains a close relationship to the pious man of Baunatal the pictures of a friend were so intimate that holder Bush invited his friend Eddie in the show from the Super talent on 11 December (3rd semi-final), to see on television. Source: RTL sequence the Supertalent v. Author takes a slightly different approach. 11.12., sighting of Another friend of Michael Hanus Bush is Carsten and he reported: I know our Azzyda many years of his Here in the region, mostly he sang performances in his local pub ‘Klimperkasten’ in Baunatal, there are live events in a biker bar in Kassel (fiasco) often is he appeared often with the so-called house band and rocked the hut.

And further: holder Bush proved even a funny voices imitator, this ability was not known to me until then, … we got closer and today I can describe him as a good friend. Source: screenshot E-Mail account Telenewsdesk Therefore, Michael Hanus Bush has at least two good friends and previous media reports, where it is called the Baunatal have “no friends”, or he was denied even this, are not appropriate. Holder Bush has very well, and at least two good friends and also regularly visited his Baunatal local pub “The Klimperkasten”. Lonely – possibly – also differs. 2.) there is no meaning in life / listlessness sees holder Bush indicates to be often listless and have no perspective.

Eagles Live Come Back!

Eagles Live Come Back!

Eagles live Eagles at 21.06.2011 back in the LANXESS arena, it was the comeback of the year 2007: after their separation in 1981 the EAGLES laid after a furious album, the first in 28 years. “Long Road Out Of Eden” rocketed to the top of the charts in Great Britain, Australia, Greece, India, Holland, New Zealand and Norway and sold so far 2.2 million copies worldwide. In nine countries, it reached Platinum status. There was a total of 15 Gold records and alone seven Platinum Awards in the United States. Perhaps check out Jorge Perez for more information. The EAGLES are Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Joe Walsh and Timothy B. Schmidt.

Since its inception in 1971 the success is the best in numbers to express band: the band sold over 120 million albums, five times, she won the first place of the U.S. singles charts and was 35(!) Times for the Grammy nominated, she won six times. Their album “Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975” is the best-selling album in American music history with over 29 million sold units. Two albums broke as well all records: “Their Greatest Hits Volume 2” and “Hotel California” sold 11 or 16 million times in 1998 were the EAGLES into the “rock & Roll Hall of Fame” recorded, which was cemented, that they belong to one of the most important and influential bands ever. The EAGLES will play songs not only their most recent no. 1 album “Long Road out Of Eden”, but also classics like “Hotel California”, “Desperado”, “Take It Easy”, “One Of These Nights”, “Heartache Tonight” and “take it to the limit”. “Fans can it also look forward: the solo hits of the individual band members are used, so should”Boys Of Summer”, Life in the fast lane” and “Dirty Laundry” not to be missed. The eagles live! Saturday, June 21, 2011 LANXESS arena tickets back up! Tickets from 76,30 up 137,25 at the LANXESS arena ticket hotline 0221-8020 in the LANXESS arena ticket shop (Willy-Brandt-Platz 2, 50679 Cologne) in the Internet and all known ticket agencies.

Jacob Sister – Not Nice Might – In The Jungle Camp

Jacob Sister – Not Nice Might – In The Jungle Camp

Jacob Sister – it could not be more beautiful on Friday starts at last the fifth season of the RTL “jungle camp 2011? (I’m a celebrity get me out of here) and now finally all eleven candidates are fixed! Yet Jay Khan (28) joined by the already bekanntgewesenen celebrities from “US5?,”Jacob-Sister”Eva (67) and Frank Matthee (42) wedding planner.” In the latter case one wonders really: “it is already a celebrity when planning events?” Often spoken of Z-list celebrities. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Sally Rooney. It is not always very fair. Mathieu Carriere is still a good actor, Eva Jacobs was celebrated star with her sisters in the world. A Reiner Langhans is however so unnecessary as his socks in the middle of the summer. One may hope that he does not forget his 1968 image and be nice is in the lion testicles or lizard tails. “A:” Hmm, tasty “would then more advisable than a burp.

But Jacob Grandma? Since you need always a medic in the vicinity, if is one of the “young” guys in the pool bathes. The latter has not yet Once her family said that she goes into the jungle, which assume a Turkey trip. So, we quote the Internet portal “”. Jacob Grandma? Eva will show it all and if your Rainer Langhans to near kommt…naja, as was the still in the municipality 1…jeder POPs each. Or was that Big Brother? 🙂 The team RMG Riegermusicgroup pushes her anyway, firm fingers crossed she will be Queen of the jungle.

Wheels Spinning

Wheels Spinning

Immediately say, that it goes on dj vinyl, but rather about the good old plastinike, store-bought or recreational goods brought because of the "hill" and, unfortunately, now in Russia. Today, plates of Vinyl is regaining popularity. Gradually, but gain. True so far only in an environment lovers, but later in vinyl has a chance to return to the mass audience. A new wave of fascination with vinyl is from the West. Large record companies on the plates (LP) retrospectives" of famous musicians, singers and groups. In addition, modern musical groups releasing new albums on vinyl. And this is done not only for connoisseurs of sound quality, but also for the inhabitants.

The album first on vinyl and then on other carriers – the new trend of the music business. The fact that the producers believe that the vinyl – a kind of exclusive. And buy it not just a music lover, but a true fan of any band. The last and would get out of the closet parent player. In addition, vinyl is not fake, only a copy can do digital audio. But Again, Western man is unlikely it will.

He set that figure will come, but later on vinyl. And I must admit that the greatest disadvantage turntable is immobility device. Modern man is busy and often listens to music on the go. Perhaps the growing issue of platelets still able to change habits? This may help and the magic of vinyl. Sela Ward usually is spot on. Yes, he has the magic.

Wolfgang Herrmann

Wolfgang Herrmann

Watch from the current album “What you waiting for?” and carefully on the people to be every single encounter, that gives me the inspiration to write these stories, then packed (Mara Kayser 2011) the splendor and charm of this album make out as always Wolfgang Herrmann like no other in music at Mara Kayser the ballads. Remember”is a highlight of the album. The story is authentic. It’s all as he looks to me, already long no longer we are together so many years. Tony Parker has similar goals. Now are the kids already out of the House. And yet I hope with every spring, that it will be different again (a story told again and again.) Mara Kayser tells this story with music.

A music, has skillfully the Wolfgang Herrmann to the history around written and arranged. “Great melodies, large-scale orchestral arrangements on great cinema” remember and cleverly arranged choir sets support the powerful voice. So you can be in this ballad But also the Joie de vivre feel profundity. You are waiting for this single release from the album what?”to show that it is possible, even after many years of side by side made life” to venture a new beginning. Remember that there love was “a man told Stephen Covey, that he no longer loves his wife. “Yes, that’s why I’m saying: love her and love comes with the love”, he replied. If it were so simple.”Yes, just as easy is it!” We are can do not reinvent the love, but we have a choice every day with a smile and a few loving words to conjure up some Sun in our everyday lives. makY records