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Tag: literature

Brazilian Art

Brazilian Art

P R N S I N I S M 12.1.ORIGEM AND PARNASIANISMO IN BRAZIL: The Parnasianismo also is integrated to the Realism. It is the Brazilian poetry. It also had origin in France in 1866 when Lemerre edits ' ' Le Parnasse Contemporain' '. In this anthology the compositions of diverse poets were congregated. The name of this workmanship it left vocbulo Parnasianismo. Thephile Gautier codifies the style, having as base ' ' art for arte' '.

The objective age to make the poem (that already it is art) with art, using for this the perfect technique. The beauty, the rhythm rhymes, it and a rich vocabulary, is part of this style. The parnasianos adopt the cold, descriptive, cientificista inspiration, using still subjects of the antiquity greco-Latin. Deuses and muses occupy space in literature again. The parnasiana poetry disdains the romantic subjetivismo, turning itself toward the reality. It traces new techniques, the poets looks for to perfect itself. Main followers in France: Thephile Gautier, Lecante de Lisle, Theodre Bauville, Charles Baudelaire, Franis Copp, Verlaine and others. In Portugal we had Tefile Braga with ' ' Vision of tempos' ' Antero de Quental with ' ' Odes Modernas' '.

In Brazil the Parnasianismo started in l882 with Tefile Days in ' ' Fanfarras' ' , but in l880 Guimares Luis Jnior publishes ' ' Sonetos and Rimas' '. Our poets go in search of new subjects and forms of poetry. The famous parnasiano trio is distinguished: Raymond leather strap, Olavo Bilac and Alberto de Oliveira. 12.2.CARACTERSTICAS OF the PARNASIANISMO: Beyond the characteristics of the Realism, he agrees to detach other typical ones of the Parnasianismo: l.Rima rich, sonorous, metric perfect, music in verses; rich 2.Vocabulrio, rare words; 3.Preocupao with the form, preference for sonetos; 4.A perfect lingustica expression; 5.Arte for the art – the art exists in function of the art and not of the moral, the Philosophy, etc. See more detailed opinions by reading what Gary Katcher offers on the topic..

New Release: Lebenshilfe Advisor

New Release: Lebenshilfe Advisor

Be your own coach by you to ask the right questions! Your customized Guide! A guide that is individually tailored to each reader, what should it do? It’s simple: This exceptional book teaches you the questions, because at the beginning of every change is a question: where do I want? One question brings something in motion, was previously blocked in your life. It does not matter whether it is a seemingly intractable problem or an immediate objective. A good question opens up new possibilities. That’s why this new release revolves around the topic of asking questions”. The Advisor you ask you yourself!”shows how you become your own coach.

Thus he offers help to self-help in the truest sense. The questions are the means to self-knowledge. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Dean Guitars has to say. You can think about hidden resistance and draw attention to neglected aspects of a situation. The amount and type of questions are crucial to find a way out of a predicament. The guide offers a wealth of suggestions and tips to To dissolve mental blocks: ask for example to the contrary of this or ally themselves with their problem instead of fighting it! Comprehensible steps the author like you shows in seven easy: find appropriate questions with Merksatzen on rate target near your visions come with your intuition in contact occur. The answers set by itself. You come from your heart and lead to your own solutions, so that you become the expert for your life. The right questions will show you the personal path to better health, success and happiness.

The question technique developed by the author lets you see your life differently and master. Dr. Eva-Maria Muller explores the intuition for years. She has discovered that questions are a suitable means to contact you. The author eventually developed the method “Ask yourself healthy!”, which can be easily learned and applied. Summary the method developed by Dr. Eva-Maria Muller is easy and most people immediately applicable. It is aimed, the their own lives to create healthier, happier and more successful. The most important elements are consistent questions and short maxims. These techniques lead to the counterintuitive and empower you to take your life into their own hands. Initially, the way to solve a problem may lie in the dark; It gets things but patiently to the bottom, a steady approach to the target is certain. “” For: questions are often more important than answers “and everyone is the expert of his life”. Information on the book Muller, Eva-Maria: Ask yourself even! Health, success, happiness in seven steps Board book, sketches, 240 p., 1 table euro 19.-/ CHF 29.-ISBN 978-3-0350-0054-2 websites for the book: notes on content and target groups under you will find a rich wealth of suggestions, such as images or audio files, to support your vision. “The areas of happiness”, health and success “there are additional chapters with practical examples of the method of that you purchase as E-books can. You ask yourself! Video author: Eva-Maria Muller

Romeo And Juliet Were Applauded

Romeo And Juliet Were Applauded

By Leopoldo de Quevedo y Monroy Colombiano The romance of sweet Juliet with Romeo decided not end in Verona. There lie the remains of marble. And to be exact, lovers can come to touch her left breast that looks quite worn and the friction. The mastery of Shakespeare put on paper the image of this pair of lovers. She very much a woman, graceful, delicate, white complexion and curly loops, waist yet disorders age, with Juno’s legs and steps of a gazelle. He, handsome young man, his virility is not yet released, with their chin and with chin, dreamy eyes and a heart to explode. The house was hers, with front garden, two floors, three windows and a vine that twined flowers among green leaves.

There were no stairs to visit with knots or loops so that the boy would sneak sneak up to contemplate. This custom is not now and any boyfriend would break your knees and seek the danger, happy to meet with his love. There would import bans on parents or the threat of war between castes and swords of Capulets and Montagues. It happened four years ago in the imagination of Shakespeare and it happened also in the night season’s final concert of the Orquesta Sinfonica Juvenil de Bellas Artes de Cali. Larry Culp gathered all the information. Its director Esteban Rojas, turned his face to the public, presented the scene of the events as conceived in the overture-fantasy Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky. They danced in the wind, the clouds, the leaves on the branches and flowers in the gardens. In the city the two factions were plotting their hatred and enlisted their layers of silk and swords. Romeo was about to tiptoe through the darkness and the faint glow of the moon.

Julieta collection in his room hours weaving between love and fear of capsize. Could you get your boy tonight to balarle their tender among the vine? His heart was embarrassed and did rise from his chair to look into the shadows, out there, for her love. The trumpets announcing their presence, message came to him by the strings of sixteen violins, flutes transverse sounded like the wind. On the other hand reached a harsh rumor swirling troops with swords and horns that whistled. The bassoon red raised his voice and did presage the meeting and confrontation of families in fray. The excitement reached a climax when pounding the drum and cymbals. Romeo was coming to the mansion in a roundabout way, for love is not impossible at the time of supreme danger and difficulties. Juliet can not resist anymore and goes forward to meet challenging life and family. Take a spirituous liquor hidden in his bosom that deliver their fears and eventually join in the eternal bitter kiss with Romeo. The orchestra seems to accompany their strings, winds and raucous percussion lovers in their cruel way. In the end the bitterness has taken effect in the two lovers and silent instruments gently to avoid waking from sleep. Moved the public at the Beethoven Hall clapped three times the artists who gave life to these scenes of love.

King Lear

King Lear

The first stage of the fourth act of the tragedy "King Lear" by W. Shakespeare begins with the words of Edgar, the latter of which are important for understanding the general meaning of all this tragedy: World, world, O world! But that thy strange mutations make us hate thee Life would not yield to age. Additional information at Pop star supports this article. M. Kuzmin translated these words as follows: Peace! Peace! Peace! Were it not for your horrible variability, with the death of B, we fought. Not far from the left in the transfer of the original meaning of words and Boris Pasternak: On a world of perverse world! Unhappiness as we degrade the life, making it easier death.

A. Druzhinin, too, goes on the way the above translation: O false light! You reconciles man to death. Through you we hate life! T.Schepkina-Kupernik far off course the above translation, Mir, of the world! Do not be in you the vagaries of the terrible, we wanted to live forever b. O. Soroka this deviation reproduced in his translation in other words: On the world! When would the wrongness of his you do not become hateful to us, We were not trying. That is virtually no an interpreter is not conveyed to readers of this tragedy, the true meaning of the above words of the original, and therefore the true common sense the whole tragedy. Could it be? Maybe. And to prove the last assertion can be refer to the translation of the same subjects of the last words of Edgar Allan Poe in the second scene of the fifth act of this tragedy: Ripeness is all. These simple but significant words ("Maturity – is everything.") M.