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The Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet And Your Applications (part 2)

The Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet And Your Applications (part 2)

Wacom Bamboo Fun (small & medium), bamboo & bamboo one. What you so everything on the PC and Mac users can do with the bamboo pen tablets from Wacom home. Part 2: Wacom Bamboo digital in King, note, signature, handwriting recognition, gestures. With bamboo (by Wacom), pen tablets to the natural input device for all PC & Mac users. Wacom Bamboo, bamboo fun and bamboo one all 3 pen tablet open users at home or in the Office a new, effective and creative ways to deal with the computer, and an unexpected variety of possible applications. At Tony Parker you will find additional information.

What ways shows the two-part series: Wacom Bamboo your options. Wacom Bamboo – digital in King with the function \”Digital in King\” you can use your bamboo pen so as you are accustomed to from a conventional pen. This function can be used in all Microsoft Office programs and impresses with its simplicity as also versatility: you are not sure about a number in Excel? Just circle the cell with the pen. There is a sentence in Word that you dislike? Simply underline. You have to tell someone the way? Quite simply, short sketches a small card and sent by Outlook. Follow others, such as Dean Guitars, and add to your knowledge base. Digital ink is a feature in Microsoft Office 2007 Wacom Bamboo – record too many post-its on your desktop? Also a lot of paper with drawings and sketches lying around you? No problem.

With bamboo, you can leave the entire sort your computer: just write notes down or add small drawings with bamboo and insert your notes into the digital age. Record X with stickies you can on Microsoft Vista with journaling and Mac OS perform Wacom Bamboo – signatures in a world consisting of typed E-Mails, electronic documents, and video conferencing seems a handwritten signature not only a welcome change, but also a human style gives your communication. Sending a signal by setting your personal signature on documents and letters.

Know GmbH

Know GmbH

SKILLsoftware GmbH Frankfurt celebrates 20 year anniversary. Frankfurt, May 23, 2011 the SKILLsoftware GmbH celebrates its twentieth birthday. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Tony Parker on most websites. The manufacturer of software SKILLweb CRM with specific application for building suppliers can look back on 20 years of success. SKILLsoftware started with mobile scheduling and project software and is a pioneer in cloud-CompuTing and in Smartphone mobility today. Jorge Perez spoke with conviction. 2010 the 2nd place of the renowned decide EMEA mobile CRM software reached innovation awards. Reference customers include companies such as Hale, Pfleiderer, guard man lifts, wodego, HAFI fittings, Bopp & Reuther safety valves, Durr and many more.

The 20-year anniversary, we ignite innovation Fireworks”Edgar would be deer, founder and Managing Director. The mobile construction documentation on BlackBerry SmartPHONES and pads brings essential construction materials at the construction site and enables fast digital work on architectural plans and sketches. Plans or photos serve as orientation basis to the Mark orders, changes, defects; they are plans directly in the correct position or part marked by markers, described and linked with data sheets. The execution or completion of a contract is documented the same application via photo. The mobile application works offline and synchronizes work after using mobile phone with the Web application SKILLweb BauCRM.

All information will be stored in SQL databases, associated with the job and the stakeholders for the documentation, order verification or invoicing is available. A product video shows the application on straight to the Interzum trade fair in Cologne was another application of this graphical interfaces for the location of the stand personnel for the company Hafele and Josef Blum released. Small tags that each employee contributes, is registered a signal and localized to 0.5 meters every employee on the stand. The SKILL tracking shows the exact location of the person sought in 2D or 3D sketches. This Country affiliations, languages, special knowledge, can query responsibilities for postal codes and markets through a database and to visitors of up to 1,200 sqm stands quickly the right person can meet. To further expand of the successful and innovative products, SKILLsoftware has signed with the Kassler Start-Up and winner of the promotion North Hesse of business plan competition, embia GmbH, a transfer agreement. Products and ApplikatioNEN for construction, facility and visitor management systems be developed in future joint. Last year SKILLsoftware has successfully placed mobile decide application for facility companies listed on the market. The embia is a young and creative team that complements us terrific in the requirements for Visual control of our software”, as Klaus Szilvas, there head of the SKILLsoftware. We are looking forward to the cooperation and the exchange of WISSen and years of Know-How of SKILLsoftware”confirmed Mathias Stone, founder of embia GmbH and since April, 2011 Director of marketing at SKILLsoftware. About the SKILLsoftware GmbH SKILLsoftware GmbH is a manufacturer and maintainer of specific CRM solutions and initiated the innovative theory software practice training concept and sets standards in the CRM industry. Roe was founded in 1991 by Edgar. The customers include u.a.

Paessler AG Companies Network

Paessler AG Companies Network

Paessler study shows: PRTG network monitor saves administrators effective time and cost of Nuremberg, 27 August 2009 bottlenecks and failures in the network, as well as slow response times of applications and Web sites interfere with business operations. For the administrator, it is usually very time-consuming to determine the causes of these disorders, to eliminate them. In a recent survey of Paessler AG, more than 75 percent of the companies involved type through the use of the monitoring tool PRTG network at least two hours of work time to save monitor per week, which in turn targeted can use it for other tasks. The permanent network analysis using PRTG network monitor immediately identifies weaknesses without delay and creates new spaces for the CIO. At first glance, it is often not clear what influences contribute to a higher resource consumption: once it is located on the central router or on the switch within a Department. The hard drives are often too slow or the server requires more CPU power. Another hidden applications, such as file sharing, video streaming or Skype occupy the bandwidth.

PRTG is the answer, in which it retains among other things the bandwidth and the availability of leased lines, connections, or network devices (routers, switches) in the eye. System failures and overallocations can be avoided in this way or promptly turned off. Network management costs reduced the Paessler study shows more that 80 percent of the customers reach a significant reduction in the network management costs by using the PRTG software. Because the measurement of bandwidth or usage trends at an early stage finds impending bottlenecks and connection errors. This allows the administrators as an alternative to route network traffic to plan new purchases or to make appropriate improvements. PRTG Network Monitor provides the targeted optimization of the network and allows a transparent bandwidth, availability and consumption monitoring using WMI, SNMP, NetFlow,. Packet sniffing. He supported more than 40 sensor types for all conventional services such as PING, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, FTP, etc.

PRTG notified the administrator via email, SMS or pager when failures or of exceeding defined limits. Also, all data of PRTG are collected and archived, allowing for long-term analyses of the network as a basis for optimization. See more information about the current version of PRTG network monitor directly prtg. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. About Paessler AG: Founded in 1997, Paessler AG with headquarters in Nuremberg has on the development of more powerful and user-friendly software for the areas of network monitoring, load testing and analysis. PRTG Network Monitor monitors the availability of systems, services and applications, as well as the bandwidth usage in networks. PRTG is Cisco compatible and can be used for the analysis of NetFlow data. Webserver stress tool is an application for load testing of Web servers and Web infrastructures. Are the global customers of Paessler AG Companies of all industries and all sizes, from SOHO through SMEs to global corporations. Day, there are over 150,000 installations of the solution provider in all over the world in the use. Free trial downloads and more information are available on the homepage available. More information: Paessler AG Burgschmietstrasse 10 D-90419 Nuremberg contact: Christian Twardawa Tel.: + 49 (911) 7 39 90 30 fax: + 49 (911) 7 39 90 31 E-Mail: PR Agency: Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact person: Olaf Heckmann Tel.: + 49 (26 61) 91 26 0-0 fax: + 49 (26 61) 91 26 029 E-Mail:

Special Cases

Special Cases

GLaser X 6 bucks for glossy and transparent surfaces Worrstadt – in many workplaces are to find them: fancy desks with lots of glass or piano lacquer. Furs eye a delight for the optical sensors of computer mice a Graus. Due to the reflections, movement information is not properly transferred and the cursor is not controllable. William Allen has much experience in this field. The X 6-mouse from A4Tech GLaser break up already for a year. The family with the 90 d, a higher-end model for Office use, is now complete. Innovative and patented technology the A4Tech GLaser technology goes a step further than the usual optical or laser sensors of mice. A diode through two lenses scans the surface with light in specific wavelengths. This principle works on 99% of all surfaces, even on illuminated glass tables.

The light itself is proven safe for the human eye. For sophisticated users with the X 6 90 d A4Tech now has the mouse for all professional and demanding users on the market brought. The model is equipped with two wheels, one for scrolling, the other for zooming. In addition, the mouse has easy programmable keys for Office software. So for example something with only a click, you can copy. In the X 6-series, there are different models of the small notebook mouse up to different Office mice with special functions. So no one should distort more the chic glass table with a mouse pad”. Prices and where to buy X 6-70MD 29,99 Euro X 6-90 d 29,99 Euro X 6-60MD-4 24.99 Euro GLaser X 6 models are available at Actebis Peacock, Siewert & Kau, Amazon, Conrad, EP, Euronics, PC specialist and in well-stocked stores.

A4Tech: A4Tech offers innovative products in the field of PC peripherals since 1987 and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers. The A4Tech Corporation’s recipe for success lies in developing innovative, future-oriented products. In recent years the input devices awarded several times in the areas of design, innovation and ergonomics with numerous awards. Steady Quality control of materials and product

Reallusion IClone

Reallusion IClone

With free update 4.2 Animation Studio for PC Braunschweig/San Jose iClone 4 to the 3DTV, 23 June 2010 – Reallusion, Inc., announces software developer for 3D-Animations-and imaging technology, with the new update of 4.2 for the 3D film production and animation program iClone 4 the step into the authentic 3D world at. Similar to 3D films at the cinema Reallusion offers to the user by means of simple and affordable solution, own authentic 3D video and graphics to produce. With the iClone 4.2 update will be 3D standards side-by-side”and Anaglyph” (red/cyan) supports output for spatial 3D videos, their results to normal or even special monitor with a simple 3D red/cyan-, polarizations – or shutter glasses (active 3D-Shutter-120Hz)ihre 3D effect. See more detailed opinions by reading what Sela Ward offers on the topic.. So it is possible, using very simple means, for example, aircraft in space are allow to place product presentation in 3D on YouTube or a Web page or to immerse yourself in specially created fantasy worlds. iClone 4.2 offers another option. Either in animated 3D scenes or specially created graphics images can be single stereo 3D rendered up to a resolution of 3000 x 3000 pixels, which are suitable for commercial printing. So, 3D-Collagen,-Kunstwerke and object presentations are possible, which could be realized only in professional studios.

Sufficient examples to both new authentic 3D are output variants and relevant background knowledge on the manufacturers Web page at… / 3dstereo… directly available. The new update to iClone 4.2 is Windows 7 compatible and iClone 4.0 standard and Pro versions free for under de is now available in German. About the new iClone 4.2 Pro iClone 4.2 PRO is a software animation studio with 3D, video compositing, individual camera and light settings, Visual effects and animation production possibilities for creative films, videos, and graphics. The authentic 3D in iClone4 combines the fast animation engine for the production of individual character Stereo 3D film animation, 3D-Produkt-Visualisierungen, 3D, or stereo-3D complete solutions for graphic-print design.

Martin Roos

Martin Roos

Online marketing without product information management since its founding in 1947 develops and distributes worldwide high-quality buttons, switches and keyboards EAO to complete control units with extensive accessories. The globally active company is represented with nine company-owned sales offices and a network of trained specialists in more than 50 countries. With the expansion into new markets the Internet as a distribution channel for the becomes a more important global player. Because in contrast almost no limit to the printed catalogue to the product presentation in the Internet. With the combination of the product-information management solution mediandoPIM and mediandoWEB, as a module for the Web Edition, EAO reaches an intelligent, effective and resource-efficient online marketing. Checking article sources yields Jorge Perez as a relevant resource throughout. Online marketing without product information management product information must be accurate across all marketing and sales channels, identical, up-to-date, but also individually. To secure the quality of information continue, one is “Central product data management in the enterprise a competitive advantage”, project manager the reasons that speak for PIM applications in the context of cross-media project called Martin Roos. The product-information-management software EAO mediando offers a structured and multilingual media neutral product data management.

All marketing and sales-related information and media to a product can be managed here. Maintaining data itself can be arranged centrally and locally user rights, processing lists and tasks. In addition, product data management solution offers the possibility to reproduce extensive product relationships. These are for the presentation in the online catalog of advantage, because the combination of the products can be depicted among customer-friendly. In the course of the introduction of the PIM, EAO has cleaned up their own product data and uniformly mapped the data so that all product-specific information for automated print and Web editions can now make sense sorted and organized. A professional Product information management with mediando helps EAO to develop the own Web presence, a strong sales order platform that can provide the global online shoppers all purchase-related information.

How Much ITIL Inside ITSM?

How Much ITIL Inside ITSM?

Exagon survey: Many companies is a penetration of over 50 percent with ITIL ITSM and ITIL equate Meanwhile Kerpen, 29.08.2011 in every second IT organization – ITIL is despite its large distribution cannot be equated with the IT service management (ITSM), but determined to a large extent the planning and action within the organization. These results comes a survey by Exagon consulting among almost 200 ITIL users in the German-speaking world. After a penetration of over 50 percent with ITIL consists in every second IT organization of enterprises, in each tenth case he is over 75 percent. The other companies are clearly restrained in terms of ITIL. Nearly one-third are currently only between 25 and 50 percent of the IT processes after this rulebook, for the remaining part of the ITIL user, there are even less. So that air is still clearly upwards”Exagon – Managing Director Werner Stangner assessed the development potential for the processes in it.

But 43 percent say the Exagon survey total “” IT executives questioned, that today’s IT service management with them with ITIL is, this applies for 13 percent largely “and 30 percent to a high extent”. A further fifth indicates that they at least partially agree, the acronym ITIL can now generally available for IT service management. This applies not only for one-third or only in small degree. Stangner regards the majority equation of ITSM and ITIL a factually incorrect because misleading and ultimately dangerous direction. It problematizes such rules can define the individual strategies of a company and the IT organisation nor is it able to fill the IT processes with life”. Possibly this assessment arising from the fact, because many companies have redesigned their processes and investing intensively in the appropriate training of the staff. This became a weighty topic of the ITIL standard and was all the rage, but what doesn’t change the fact that he is only a Subset of IT service management is.

Apart from other regulations such as, for example, COBIT for IT-organisation of importance would be,”the Adviser stressed. However, Stangner can agree quite other assessments of respondents ITIL users, how much the practical planning and action within the ITIL ITSM organization is characterized. More than half have given to Protocol, that fully or at least partially there is a strong presence of ITIL. Another 14 percent, this is done selectively. This shows that the ITIL processes in practice have arrived and are actually lived.” On the other hand should be not misconstrued but, how little this already constitutes an optimal result. If in one-third of IT organizations despite implemented ITIL processes, focusing on the rules and regulations plays no significant role, is”here still seem to be a significant development and optimization needs, judging the Exagon Managing Director. About Exagon: The Exagon consulting & solutions GmbH is since 1994 as an independent IT consulting company established in the market. The business focus is on holistic support of its customers in establishing a professional IT service management, with regard to the strategic, organisational and also operational aspects. This includes Exagon performance portfolio both consulting services such as extensive training. The customer companies and institutions such as AirPlus, BASF, Bayer, German Defense Ministry, DEKRA, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, airport include Cologne, Heraeus, information and technology of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse Center for data processing, host Europe, Postbank, T-systems, TuV Sud, Vodafone, VolkswagenNutzfahrzeuge airport Cologne/Bonn and IT-NRW. of think factory groupcom GmbH Bernhard Duhr Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-75 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71

Personnel Development

Personnel Development

If the employees become all-rounders by ever shorter product life cycles, complex and dynamic environmental conditions, as well as the constantly increasing competitive pressure, a central and decisive role to personnel development in the company. Companies embark on the various paths to a target-oriented human resources development. Of the so-called job rotation represents a, which is a method developed in Denmark the labour market policy. The original objective of the job rotation was to allow longer and often external training for an employee by a suitable unemployed during this period took over its representation. In practice this form has establish but themselves in the least. Rather, companies in the sense of job rotation practice a planned and systematic workplace or task change within the company.

Job rotation chains are used, in this case by the delegation by another employee of the company for the length of absence”is applied. Focuses on the construction of their own is often in this context”leaders or the preparation of trainees to future tasks. In the operational implementation of job rotation is usually between two different forms distinguished, but also can be combined: Jobenrichment: task switching in different high requirement level (job enrichment) Jobenlargment: task switching within a request level (activity extension) aside from the leadership development as well as preparation of the trainees on their future task, the job rotation has numerous benefits for all employees of the company. So, for example, previously acquired knowledge in the new area the employee carries and in return receives new knowledge by the employees of the new area. Job rotation can in the best case to an increase in flexibility and mobility, as well as to increase the skills and abilities the rotating”employee’s lead. Due to the changed angle as well as other feedback through the new colleagues, raise awareness about new approaches can be achieved. In addition, employees this improved his career opportunities within the company.

Innovation At CeBIT

Innovation At CeBIT

Integrated ERP, CRM, DMS, the software for cloud and intranet. HANOVER / LONDON. The running in the browser, Web-based ERP solution PowerNetERP”is an intuitive to use application in the cloud, on the Internet or on the intranet. It covers the areas shopping (request, purchase order, goods receipt, invoice receipt), sale (offer, order, delivery note, invoice), bearings (figure all forms of storage, serial numbers, price, and Discount Auto), costing. Thanks to Web 2.0 technology”secure mobile access is standard, as well as a low administration and maintenance: on the client side, an existing Web browser is sufficient.

Version 4.2 adds many new features: – fast thanks to data acquisition data acquisition from all previous documents – version management offerings, etc. – free design of the business arches – Mehrfirmig – and multilingualism – PDFs are sending the documents by mail or fax – online library for frequently used documents customizable (E.g. with personal customers-salutation) – incl. offline-DMS power-NetERP is complemented by – a complete CRM solution power NetCRM”(customer care, customer acquisition, tasks and schedule management, group calendar, sales support, marketing with continuous functions and call-center functionality), an integrated communication (to the / CTI), groupworking and archiving (DMS). -Customer, contract and machine management with integrated servicing, – open interfaces for the import and export of data such as E.g. connection of any financial accounting. See more features on our website In the part of the software maintenance customers will receive all the GreenPower net GmbH with a valid maintenance contract the update free of charge.