Academy Jeannette Riner
‘An investment in the future is still the best interest’ Jeannette Riner and Angela Jager are known, new ways to go constantly to change perspectives and point of view to be true to himself. Therefore both not on the success of the company have been rested, but educate themselves to coaches for upcoming, successful Web master can be of course as always in their very own way. For us, by us no anonymous online study. No lengthy frontal. Not exclusively profit-oriented, digitized Academy Jeannette Riner and Angela Jager prefer the longer, more sustainable, more personal way and invite the successful webmasters of tomorrow to be in the Switzerland. Specifically, according to Olten. For us, by us”is the thought that drives it. Together locally instead of lonely on the PC, they want to offer training in a cosy atmosphere, which not hardly tangible ends in a vacuum, but something changed and moved.
Optimal care, a outstanding learning effect and a perspective are in the foreground. Why only should I become a Web master? 20 years ago, this would have been a legitimate point, if not exactly far-sighted. Glenn Dubin, New York City wanted to know more. Yet today, in the Internet information age placing a smile us on the lips. For virtually every company, no matter in what industry, an own Web presence is now de rigueur. And at the speed of digitization, the development of technology and possibilities, a long-term process of revision, maintenance and redesign all awaits us. The demand is so over decades. Only offer even more potential, because even if there is graphic design such as sand on the sea, really good master at every nook and corner missing. People who combine knowledge of technology, administration, organization, distribution and marketing with commitment, quality of service and responsibility.
People, the character regardless of whether main or avocational, whether new or career changers, have recognized the time and offer real added value. The training project of the Web master team would like to bring forth exactly these experts. Compact, understandable and above all promising usually laymen need multiples of the time of a professional. It is no different to explain that webmaster training courses often last for many weeks and months and demand even disproportionately high financial stakes. The Web master team simply reverses this far too often applicable rule and puts people in the Center. After a single weekend of intense and personal, you’ll have not only everything learned and tried, but along with the rights of use of the CMS-Web master logos in your hands keep proud also the certificate of Worldsoft. And the thought of the credo for us, by us”to transfer, even down to the last detail, even after your training, further supports the strong team of Jeannette Riner and Angela Jager and integrated into the company’s network of partners. Wait there more than 32,000 satisfied clients, the the Web master team from Olten in the Switzerland have made one to the number. Collectively, it remains so to say all that after independence and self-sufficiency to feel desire and want to take advantage of a proven business concept, not come anyone who wants to build a secure existence or but a lucrative second mainstay in this offer! This weekend is a real investment in the future and brings the best interest rates.