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Mental Fitness

Mental Fitness

News from the ageing it is composed more and more by the realization that a good supply of micronutrients in the age is an essential building block for healthy aging. This is true for some vitamins as well as for certain trace elements and minerals that are all grouped together under the term micro-nutrients. It does not apply but according to current knowledge to all representatives of this nutrient group. Therefore, it makes little sense, easy to go to the supermarket and buy a multivitamin mineral nutrient supplements. Usually a very wide range of micronutrients is represented in such preparations.

This often in such small amounts, that their contribution to the health in old age can safely be challenged. It, however, preparations to draw on, whose ingredients were examined on their usefulness in the age makes sense. There are new results currently to vitamin D. Under most conditions Gina Bonati would agree. researchers from England and the United States have gone to the question whether vitamin D efficiently affects the mental age. The answer is quite clearly yes”. So, the researchers from England over 6 years accompanied a group of more than 800 retirees and pensioners. They measured their mental capacity on a regular basis and put this in relationship to personal vitamin D status of the participants.

The result was appalling. Participants with a poor supply of vitamin D, the acceptance of intellectual was significantly larger than the Group of participants with good supply efficiently in the 6-year study period. A poor supply of vitamin D can lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. You may find that Glenn Dubin, New York City can contribute to your knowledge. Researchers from the United States, specifically looked at research with vitamin D after the mental fitness age results confirm this conclusion. Then a lack of vitamin D is accompanied by specially the Alzheimer’s dementia at great risk for dementia. But there is a lack of vitamin D in older people in Germany now actually.



To care for your pet in a complete manner must look at several factors such as your diet, and your health… Every pet needs special care, and that’s why that one sometimes ignores the steps to follow to carry out this simple task… Food is one of the factors, which should be based on nutrients that can favour the animal, we must also take into account before that, the health of the same… A veterinarian do not need when you can do it yourself in the comfort of your home… PETS at home to have a dog at home is important to keep it well fed. Please visit Vanessa Marcil if you seek more information. This can be purchased in specialised shops products suitable for every age: puppies, adults and during old age. Normally, it’s solid products enriched with vitamins, minerals, fats and meat proteins.

They may be flavored with meat or chicken. nd add to your knowledge base. The shape varies; they can be sticks, balls, huesitos. When the pet is accustomed to eat only their special food, you can submit stomach problems if given human food snacks. Learn more about this with Ken Kao. As it is the case with birthday celebrations or Christmas, when at home are preparing various dishes and the family decided to share them with your pet. Despite the good intentions, these foods can trigger a gastritis. PREVENTION is important that the power supply is based on special products for pets, including the sweets that are normally used as prize.

During the walks and outdoor games should be monitored that the dog does not eat plants or grass, since they can be toxic. You should not leave your scope objects that use them as toys, causing intestinal blockages and endanger his life. Thus, they should be stored stuffed animals, plastic dolls, balloons and sticks. My advice if you want to save on veterinary and able to care for yourself of your pet, learn to do so and to perfect yourself, is time to put it into practice with a good database thereon… ** If you have any questions about the care of your pet, write me at this address and I will tell you how you can do it…



High benefits of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA for hardening of the arteries, the modern way of life takes its toll. Never so many people suffering from heart and cardiovascular disease as it is today. The heart attack is cause of death number 1 in Germany. The atherosclerosis, which is called colloquially hardening of the arteries is often behind the attack. The better so you can prevent this hardening of the arteries, is the risk a heart attack or stroke lower to suffer. Observations repeatedly show that people who eat balanced and healthy have less atherosclerotic changes of main arteries than those who do not. In the healthy diet factors must be so included, which can stop the development of atherosclerosis, perhaps even stop. (Similarly see: Tony Parker).

Comprehensive knowledge of these factors helps therefore targeted to prevent arteriosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is tricky. They evolved over many years and doesn’t hurt. Characteristic is the progressive thickening of the walls of the vessels, that may lead eventually to a closure and the attack. It starts with light deposits of cholesterol, fat and lime, also called atherosclerotic plaques.

These plaques are getting bigger in the course of time by the more accumulation of proteins, until the artery walls over wide areas are thickened. Today, we know that there is not a cause of atherosclerosis. Many factors can trigger it. These include smoking, stress, poor diet, obesity, diabetes mellitus and some more. Because clearly some of the triggering factors of the diet have to do, it is only logical, if early, the researchers have searched for food factors that positively influence the development of arteriosclerosis. Soon this one happened on the Omega-3 fatty acids. These Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish (EPD and DHA) as well as some vegetable oils (ALA). The plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA was now in a very current research on their ability investigated to prevent the formation of atherosclerosis and plaque in the aorta.

Only who masters the life, is also healthy. It is interesting how around people think. Putting the cart before the horse is not uncommon. In fact, many believe health is a grace given by God or the soul, a happy coincidence or fate, which mean it well with a. So ask the most essential relationship upside and wonder that they get sick again. Many people do not so much to fulfill her life in every way, but spend vast sums of money for things, which they believe that they will be responsible for their health. A certain placebo effect may assume Yes awhile… Of course, it is very important to maintain the body, to supply him, to eat varied and fresh food, not to overwhelm him etc. But the human being is for anyone with a process associated with experiences that serve this awareness. Inside man is committed in this respect objectives. For our soul, it is a great way to experience moments, to exist in time and space. She want to experience w i they can achieve these goals as a human being. Because most people do not perceive their inner voice, the Interior including talks about the body, to invite the people to let his goals do not neglect. So, every organ of the body has not only a biological physical task, but also serves as a mirror of consciousness, i.e. shows the people where he is in life. There are no coincidences here, no matter how it turns out. It is a “representation” and thus a chance to recognize a connection between inside and outside. Even an infection, an accident, a so-called inheritance, a congenital defect a topic implies. Here there is no disorder, everything is a wonderful laws and has to do with different attractions. When an organ becomes ill, it restricts the people on the other hand in certain respects and forcing him on the other hand, to behave differently.