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Tag: food

Cast Iron Pots

Cast Iron Pots

Utensils made of silicone were doing relatively recently, a few years ago it served only to professionals, but today the cast of the rapid burst into the realm of housewives – completely grassroots modern kitchen. Silicone baking pans and cooking various foods have a lot of advantages. The first – an exceptional heat resistance: Silicone withstands temperatures from -60 to +280 degrees, therefore, silicone molds can be used not only in the oven or microwave ovens, but also for frozen foods in the freezer. Also, silicone cookware has natural non-stick properties, and any prepared dish can easily be extract, simply bend the edge of the elastic form. Hygiene in silicone also beyond praise – it is completely inert to smells, shapes are easy to clean and do not require constant lubrication grease or oil. Silicone resistant to both cold and boiling water, and emits no harmful substances at high temperatures. And if we consider the absolute stability of silicone to all of the acid-alkaline compounds which may be contained in food, it becomes clear that ecological purity silicon exceeds even special food alloys for metal utensils.

Including and durability, but it depends on the implementation of the rules of operation, the than it is yet to come Silicone molds are very comfortable and compact to store – even if you wring them, and put on the shelf, the next time you use it is easy to take natural original appearance. Anna Belknap addresses the importance of the matter here. With regard to aesthetics preparation, then on the silicone can be applied most unusual embossed designs that are beautifully printed on your cake or pie. However, silicone rather easily damaged, for example, when cutting cooked dish directly into the form – so do not use sharp kitchen accessories as long as you do not removed from the form of cooked foods. You also can not put silicone cookware on an open flame or burner stove. Here are a few tips on proper care of the silicone utensils: – A new silicone utensils before use with warm water and rub the inside with oil. In what oil you will not need to, unless you 'll wash your form in the dishwasher, but more on that below – Use the contact with silicone as kitchen accessories made of wood, plastic, or the same silicon. – Before completing this form put on a firm footing – pan or microwave range, the completed form to move on the base. – Before removing the cooked dish of silicone molds, let it cool slightly. – Dishwashing detergent silicone should not be abrasive, it is better to apply the gel to wash dishes and use a soft sponge. And if you wash your form in the dishwasher, then before the next use to grease them a little butter. If you follow all these useful tips, your communication with silicone utensils and dishes cooked in it, will be extremely long, happy and delicious!

Alpine Dairy

Alpine Dairy

Thanks to revolutionary UHT milk Pack, 12 million litres of milk in the glass and not also land annually. Freising, August 4, 2009; Germans love milk. Each year drink 63 litres of it. UHT milk is especially popular: is easy to store, at least three months durable and contains all valuable nutrients of milk. 2.3 billion litres are drunk each year alone in Germany. Really? Tests of the dairy Weihenstephan have shown that an average 0.5 per cent of the food is lost and when pouring. Overall, nearly 12 million gallons of precious and elaborately produced food lost annually. This corresponds to the amount of more than four competition swimming pools.

The reason: Conventional milk packaging have crucial weaknesses in the pouring. Check out Ken Kao for additional information. It gurgles and spills, the milk runs out evenly, but torrent-ways and is therefore difficult to dispense. As a result, Milk ends up on newspaper, tablecloth or even the clothes, rather than in the glass. So small the cause. so big the nuisance.

The dairy Weihenstephan brings the Germans now on austerity and together with the packaging manufacturer Tetra Pak has developed a new packaging concept. From August 2009 there is the Weihenstephan durable Alpine milk’ in the modern 1-litre Pack. The packaging innovation is instantly recognizable on the slender shape and the characteristic slanted”top with extra large screw cap. The new packaging concept allows easy and absolutely klecker-free dispensing UHT milk now for the first time. At the start of the long-life milk revolution, the dairy Weihenstephan extends also its product portfolio. The new Weihenstephan Alpenmilch designed 0.1% for those, who deliberately low fat want to feed on, without compromising on a full taste of the milk. More information at dairy Weihenstephan Liam k.

Sanjay Founded Pan-European Online Enjoyment Platform

Sanjay Founded Pan-European Online Enjoyment Platform

Werner Savior, owner of the Obsthofes Savior, goes with the pleasure platform Lucullus manufactories in time before Easter online. Consumers can purchase high-quality delicatessen, join the Club of Lucullus, and book enjoyment training. Charlotte Hornets is likely to agree. Pollauberg, 03.03.2013. More info: ??????? ???? ?????? . An umbrella brand which combines selected producers from Europe and stands for high quality, enjoyable and sustainable food is Lucullus manufactories. It’s believed that Margaret Loesser Robinson sees a great future in this idea. Lucullus are quality producers already: the quail egg, Xeis also, Zotter chocolate, the House or Lotao. This umbrella brand combines the pleasure platform three pillars: the Club Lucullus, the Lucullus Academy and the delicacies of online shop.

The Club Lucullus is a gourmet Association. Club members enjoy many benefits such as discounts and can take part in competitions. The Lucullus Academy offers the opportunity to book country culinary seminars, tastings, enjoy training or gourmet tours. The platform is completed by a Lucullus online shop, the high-quality delicacies of Lucullus quality producers sells. We would lead consumers to a more conscious consumption of high-quality food,”says Werner Savior of Lucullus. Lucullus factories was established in 1999 as a club.

At that time, 19 independent, family-run and small production companies teamed up to promote regional specialities. to the Obsthof Savior: the traditional operation since 1886 and has evolved from a small farm in the Poellau in Styria, Austria. In the third generation, Werner Savior continues the label of the quality-conscious natural Pomology and the processing of high-quality products. Specializing in natural antioxidant juices, Werner has become popular saver due to its valuable deer pears and pomegranate products.