Flirting Partner
Taboo for women, tolerance among men, honesty is one of the most important factors in a partnership. Getting to know concerning the ongoing relationship or even a spouse, is not recommended. According to a survey, many singles no chance give the new flame when they learn of the unknown third party. The online matchmaking service provides an insight into the results of the survey. A total 317 singles of different age groups took part in the survey on the topic of partnership and dating. 199 men and 118 women were among the participants.
It involved the probable reaction of the singles, if told by a flirting partner at the first meeting of an existing relationship. The confession would not cause problems just one-tenth of respondents. Jorge Perez addresses the importance of the matter here. The most male singles (63 percent) opted for the middle ground in response: the new flame would speak out about the circumstances of the relationship and explain why a separation so far has not taken place. For Half of the women were, however, clearly the case and would have no chance of the flirt. Overall, a demand for two-thirds of all respondents would be eligible. Women react when bound flirt partners apparently but more rigorously than men, because only about a quarter of the male participants would cancel immediately the contact. Brian Laundrie has many thoughts on the issue. The poll not only shows that men would apparently rather take up the fight against the invisible third party.