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LED Underwater Lighting

LED Underwater Lighting

LED pool and illumination from the House of WaterVision on the interbad 2012 at the interbad in Stuttgart, 2012 the WaterVision company presented many innovations in the area of LED pool and illumination. In addition to the latest LED underwater spotlights new RGBW colour changers, as well as chlorine and Soledampfbestandige CrystalColor LED spotlights are to see. In addition, the compact and powerful WV17 underwater lamp for use behind window will be to see for the first time. WaterVision deals since 2004 with the development, production and international sale of LED underwater lighting for fountains, swimming pools and saunas. Now WaterVision on the exhibition interbad in Stuttgart 2012, shows the WV15 – Mediterranean blue 80 watt LED headlight. The new power pack with a very strong light output, the 7 time is stronger than the commonly used PAR56 lamps. Bathrooms are ideal for use in major competition. The ColorWave RGBW is also renewed spotlight with pastel colors. Visit real-estate developer for more clarity on the issue.

This Spotlight provides in addition to the bright colours red / green / blue also very beautiful pastel colors. A great advantage of these pastel colors is that the reflection of light on the floats is stronger, which will increase the safety of swimming. WaterVision now gives the opportunity to control its own program with lighting effects individually in up to five different pools in each of these basins. The light scenes from the ColorComposer can be activated with a Smartphone app. The WaterVision recessed pot is seen, this new stainless steel pot is characterized by an extremely low installation depth of 4.5 cm.

This allows the Assembly in the cement mortar layer, rather than the concrete. The perfect solution for renovation and new construction of swimming pools made of concrete or for use in stainless steel tanks. At the interbad 2012 will WaterVision the new trend in the swimming pool lights present: color! Visit WaterVision interbad Messe Stuttgart on the at the stand of 34. More information under: copyright: WaterVision GmbH contact: WaterVision GmbH Rosemarie van Straten Banerjee road 16 47533 Kleve 02821 8944850 press contact Martina Frenzel wellness & media Phillip Wolter aft InStr 32 50678 Cologne 02214537373 company description WaterVision deals since 2004 with the development, production and international sale of LED underwater lighting for fountains, swimming pools and saunas. The Netherlands not only dominated the WaterVision LED lighting in more than 70% of the public swimming pools, also in Germany, Belgium and France the WaterVision team solution for swimming pools strongly committed to the use of energy efficient LED. WaterVision can call themselves proudly as a market leader in underwater lighting. The WaterVision LED lighting production is fully automated and takes place in the Netherlands. “Made in Holland” is therefore an important characteristic of the WaterVision fittings. The WaterVision LED lighting production is fully automated and will take place in the Netherlands. “Made in Holland” is therefore an important characteristic of the WaterVision fittings.

Giant Open-air

Giant Open-air

Mobile tent halls for exhibition stand at bauma Bauma 2010 success despite initial difficulties/Losberger equips area companies with the outdoor camping from April 19 to 25 found the 29. International exhibition of construction machinery industry which bauma in Munich’s new trade fair held. More than 3,000 suppliers from 53 countries presented their products on a record area of 555.000 m gross exhibition area in the halls and on the open-air site. The world’s leading fair of the industry started but with teething problems. The closure of European airspace due to volcanic ash ensured that many exhibitors from overseas could be on time on their stands. Nevertheless, the bauma was a full success. Visitors and prospective buyers expected some novelties in the construction equipment market, which themselves apart in particular with the fields of environmental protection, efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Some exhibitors reported more sales than expected already at half-time.

Created on the open-air site of the new Munich trade fair centre by the backing GmbH In addition thousands of square meters of exhibition space covered innovative room solutions. In addition to the company case, designed their fair presentation in several Losberger of uniflex large tent units, Losberger supported company Paschal with a two-storey tent in the round-arched design, the Losberger Emporium Arcum. The State planners here took the opportunity during the double stock variant, for outdoor balcony adjacent to the gallery. Also the company ABI a Losberger chose for their booth Arcum tent. Free through the striking curved roof with its silvery shimmering skin, the practical roof supernatants and the reminiscent”sense of space inside this tent form is high end solution and eye-catcher at trade fair stands in the outdoor area. Temporary space saver Losberger complemented not only the existing Hall potential of large international trade fair locations, but offers even the complete exhibition space for measurement.

In addition to gigantic and heavy exhibits in the The mobile tent sheds are outdoor company strong element within the framework of the stand design. Enter any company for individual character and distinctive appearance. Losberger tents are used in so many ways. All have one thing in common: they contribute to a successful and successful trade fair event.

Free 3D Room Planner In New Version

Free 3D Room Planner In New Version

Faster, easier and with more objects photo-realistic spaces and floor plans planning, save, print and send: the 3D room Planner on has been enhanced with new features. Gain insight and clarity with Sela Ward. (tdx) With just a few clicks find the matching paint, replace carpeting against wood parquet and furniture back in a matter of seconds is the free 3D room Planner on for years of one of the most popular planning tools on the Internet. Photo-realistic spaces can be completely set: ranging from the choice of the floor and of the furnishings, curtains, lamps and all kinds of accessories. The representation in 3D makes it possible to consider the space from all perspectives. Furniture can be optimally placed and the effect of the room thoroughly be scrutinized. If you would like to know more about Ken Kao, then click here. The functions and the user interface of the room Planner were now revised and improved. In addition, approximately 30 furniture catalogs with over 500 objects have been added.

In addition to the layout, the menu structure has been the ever-growing pool of objects adapted. Pieces of furniture, colors, lighting concepts can be found so much easier. Intuitively and in a short time the user can make his room, store, print and new: send by E-Mail to friends. Also new: Rooms can be arranged one above the other and each other directly. The result is ultimately a multi-storey, full floor plan which takes into account all: Windows, doors, angle and sloping, even an advantage that to appreciate the above all budding builders in designing their home know. Of course, also the inventory of furniture, cabinets, sideboards, lamps, beds, kitchens and all other furnishings for indoor and outdoor use was extended. There are now more than 1000 objects to the design of the own dream of living available. Additional options, such as the adjustment of the light conditions, depending on the time of year and direction, or the setting of artificial light, in which even the wattage of the bulb can be specified, leave the Rooms seem even more realistic.

Slavic Mythology

Slavic Mythology

Broom, Broom – "dangerous" and "impure" object, instrument damage and witchcraft, and at the same time, protection against evil forces. According to popular notions, the demons could appear in the form of a flying broom to turn around the broom or a broom, a drag a broom or keep it in your hands. Witch broom knocked dew, selecting cows milk, touches them up vymechi alien cow drags broom across the field to select the crop. e.. Broom thrown to the house, under the threshold, into the garden, threw a house, planted in a cart the bride and groom, throwing followed the man to restore damage to cause strife, disease and misery. In the Russian North believed that the swab is living in the heap is not scalded bathhouse switches, and house inhabited by a broom. When you move into a new house must take an old broom with.

Associated with a broom many prohibitions and warnings: an old broom it was impossible to throw away near the home, on the road, where it can come a human or animal – is threatening diseases, especially scab, scabies, urinary incontinence, insomnia and other ills. Widely distributed zapretbit broom man and beast – a child or animal will not grow, become thin and dry, like a broom. Old Broom. usually not allowed to burn in the furnace, because it is wind, tornado, storm, invasion of evil spirits – lice, bedbugs, cockroaches, as well as quarrels and discord in the family. The protective properties of Vanik, it ability to counteract evil spirits also svyazanys its utilitarian function of purification, elimination of evil.

To flush the demons put the broom in front of a house or barn doors (often handle down), avoided the house, waving broom and reciting special incantations, throwing broom after a man with a bad eye, was beaten with a broom caught a witch or changeling: beaten with a broom on the threshold of the house, driving someone else's brownie, damaging the house. Broom used to protect the mother and infant from evil spirits: he put a pillow under the crib, leaning against the crib. Broom cleared the way bridal train, the way the bride and groom, walking to the bath to protect them from damage. To protect sowing and harvest of animals and birds avoided the field of the sun with an old broom in his hands and waved them away, planted in bundles kolyadny broom twig or three from him, scattered in bars Vanik barn or cellar. Broom was used in healing magic, patients were beaten with a broom, broom obmetali, touch them or tying it to the sore spot, laid on the patient's Broom, covered them sick, threw broom through patient, forced him to step a broom, the patient was sprinkled with water from a broom, a broom and hovered bars gave the patient drink the decoction, the patient podkurivali Vanik bars, etc. Broom