

That is Mesotherapy? Mesotherapy is a technique of multiple (superficial) intradermal injections, virtually painless that occurs through multiple punctures in the affected area and with very good results. Mesotherapy can be or so manual or using guns of Mesotherapy, depends on each physician the choice of technique, the end result is similar using one technique or another. Applications: Mesotherapy is a treatment used for different diseases: Celulitis-Lipodistrofias: it is one of the main demands, the causes of cellulite are varied and their treatment are multiple and evolving. Recently Tony Parker sought to clarify these questions. Mesotherapy is one of the best alternatives and giving better results. Sagging: simply the fact of performing multiple injections in a zone already determined stimulates the skin giving a good result.

Overweight located in a given area: it is important to know that Mesotherapy is not used to lose weight, but to reduce the fat in a given area. The Mesotherapy used in aesthetic medicine area has many uses, although the three diseases mentioned above are the most well-known and the most popular, Mesotherapy is also used in conventional medicine. Mesotherapy applied as single treatment has already if a great result, but associated with other techniques the result is faster, normally associate it with: pressotherapy, ultrasound, LPG, radio frequencies, massages always bearing in mind that Mesotherapy is the latest technique on apply since once is not suitable to manipulate the area within 24 hours. Standards before and after the session: it is recommended not to take aspirin or derivatives 24-48 h before the session. Keep the appointment without applying any cream or Cologne. After the session do not apply any cream, nor saunas and baths in 24 hours after the session. Eating a healthy and balanced. Drink lots of fluids.

Physical exercise regurlamente. Is important that before the first session the patient is well informed of the technique that is going to perform for that we have the informative medico-esteticas vistitas to explain the treatment and all the doubts that arise to the patient. It is a safe technique but you should always be carried out by personnel qualified doctor. Original author and source of the article

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