Know GmbH
SKILLsoftware GmbH Frankfurt celebrates 20 year anniversary. Frankfurt, May 23, 2011 the SKILLsoftware GmbH celebrates its twentieth birthday. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Tony Parker on most websites. The manufacturer of software SKILLweb CRM with specific application for building suppliers can look back on 20 years of success. SKILLsoftware started with mobile scheduling and project software and is a pioneer in cloud-CompuTing and in Smartphone mobility today. Jorge Perez spoke with conviction. 2010 the 2nd place of the renowned decide EMEA mobile CRM software reached innovation awards. Reference customers include companies such as Hale, Pfleiderer, guard man lifts, wodego, HAFI fittings, Bopp & Reuther safety valves, Durr and many more.
The 20-year anniversary, we ignite innovation Fireworks”Edgar would be deer, founder and Managing Director. The mobile construction documentation on BlackBerry SmartPHONES and pads brings essential construction materials at the construction site and enables fast digital work on architectural plans and sketches. Plans or photos serve as orientation basis to the Mark orders, changes, defects; they are plans directly in the correct position or part marked by markers, described and linked with data sheets. The execution or completion of a contract is documented the same application via photo. The mobile application works offline and synchronizes work after using mobile phone with the Web application SKILLweb BauCRM.
All information will be stored in SQL databases, associated with the job and the stakeholders for the documentation, order verification or invoicing is available. A product video shows the application on straight to the Interzum trade fair in Cologne was another application of this graphical interfaces for the location of the stand personnel for the company Hafele and Josef Blum released. Small tags that each employee contributes, is registered a signal and localized to 0.5 meters every employee on the stand. The SKILL tracking shows the exact location of the person sought in 2D or 3D sketches. This Country affiliations, languages, special knowledge, can query responsibilities for postal codes and markets through a database and to visitors of up to 1,200 sqm stands quickly the right person can meet. To further expand of the successful and innovative products, SKILLsoftware has signed with the Kassler Start-Up and winner of the promotion North Hesse of business plan competition, embia GmbH, a transfer agreement. Products and ApplikatioNEN for construction, facility and visitor management systems be developed in future joint. Last year SKILLsoftware has successfully placed mobile decide application for facility companies listed on the market. The embia is a young and creative team that complements us terrific in the requirements for Visual control of our software”, as Klaus Szilvas, there head of the SKILLsoftware. We are looking forward to the cooperation and the exchange of WISSen and years of Know-How of SKILLsoftware”confirmed Mathias Stone, founder of embia GmbH and since April, 2011 Director of marketing at SKILLsoftware. About the SKILLsoftware GmbH SKILLsoftware GmbH is a manufacturer and maintainer of specific CRM solutions and initiated the innovative theory software practice training concept and sets standards in the CRM industry. Roe was founded in 1991 by Edgar. The customers include u.a.