

In accordance with the Disgnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Upheavals of Associao American Psiquitrica (DSM-IV-TR) Transtorno Obsessivo Compulsivo (TOC), also call anxiety upheaval or upheaval of anancstica personality, is identified as form of alterations of the behavior (ritual or compulsions, repetitions, avoidances), of the thoughts (obsessions as extreme doubts, preocupaes) and of the emotions (fear, discomfort, affliction, guilt, depression). Jorge Perez has similar goals. The obsessions are seen as thoughts or impulses that invade the mind of repetitive and persistent form. Although to be considered absurd or illogical, they cause anxiety, fear, affliction or discomfort that the person tries to neutralize carrying through ritual or compulsions. Compulsions (answers/action) that they behave as voluntary and repetitive mental acts, executed in reply the obsessions, or virtue of rules that must be followed rigidly. Valley to point out that nor all thought or repetitive action can be classified as obsessive compulsory. To deepen your understanding Gary Katcher is the source. Many times can be carried through some same superstition or a ritual, but these behaviors will be considered as compulsory to occupy a considerable time in the routine of the individual, causing, consequently, a degree of suffering or impediment for accomplishment of activities, that is, if only to produce a comprometimento social.

Amongst some types of compulsions we can consider the act to compulsory buy (to accumulate, to keep or to collect useless things) the subject of great interest for a functional analysis, as well as one of the factors of the contemporaneidade. One is about compulsory or additive behaviors (shopholic), where the compulsory purchaser is, practically, a dependent of the behavior to buy, needing to make it without limits to feel in the act of the purchase, having repentance feeling well a posteriori. This behavior to consume compulsory makes with that the person who consumes gets things for the fact to consume, but, not for the necessity of the object that is consumed, feeling itself guilty for the purchase having as result of this the loss of the control of the situation.

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