

The prehistoric society gave immense value in the dreams, no matter how hard it does not understand they were attributed msticos and religious values to it. Probably the images formed at the private moment of rest were associates the premonitions and even though the wisdom, a time that a little more the front of the period that is being studied, tribal societies made its important decisions being based on the dreams of the head of the tribe. As visa then, the prehistoric men also dreamed, and had msticas conceptions on this transcendental world for which they became vacant during the night. But what in fact they even though dreamed the hunter-collectors of African the paleolithic Europe or of hordas and mongolides? He was in the primitive society, valley to detach, that the creative dreams had appeared. The prehistoric man, in the attempt of recriar the images seen in the previous nights, drew in the internal walls of the caves, 3 abstract rupestres figures that he had value of interpretation private. However, the primitive society was composed of men who not yet reproduced what they did not know (In this in case that the period of space time understands the inferior and average paleolithic ages, for all the effect we will work in this part of the work with the cultures Auchelianas and Magdaleniana). They were until capable to invent tools, but this creativity was not extended to the artistic way.

The prehistoric art was extremely realistic, at least in the majority of the cases. But and when a rule runs away the exception? It is the case of joined figures in such a way in France, Russia and 4 Spain how much in some 5 African regions where the rupestre art assumes an abstract character extremely. Points colored on perpendicular traces and animal mutants with more than four legs were total mentally ill of the daily one of ' ' man of cavernas' '.

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