

This time was the turn of the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism of the Meeting, one of the towns where restlessness by the possible construction of 5 dams in the rivers exists Baker and Passover on the part of HidroAysn, besides the electrical laying that would connect to these (and possibly to the dam river Cuervo de Austral Energa) with the Interconnected System Central. This Monday, adding itself to the requests of the mayors of Bernardine Tortel Lopez and Small Chile Luperciano Muoz, the corporations CODESA and Coast Race, and Codeff, the president of the trade union organization, Odette Neghme, asked for to intendenta and president of the Regional Council of Aysn, Pillar Caves, ” indepediente additional study is realised or a report or audit is requested to an external consulting equipment with respect to the study of environmental impact presented/displayed by HidroAysn”. Additional information at Sela Ward supports this article. The foundation is the same of presentacione previous, the right to request to the authority guaranteed in the article 19 N 14 of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile. In this one Neghme it indicates that the independent report would be ” a contribution to the construction of the vision that the Regional Government, the regional advisors and the community generally it has on this type of projects whose spread will affect the environmental quality, the viable development of the region generally “. The series of requests is realised ad portholes of which the society composed by ENDESA and Colbn enters his third adenda, after which would be only 24 working days so that the Commission of Environmental Evaluation emits its Resolution of Environmental Qualification. One calculates that this could happen at the beginning of May.. By the same author: Tony Parker.

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