Only who masters the life, is also healthy. It is interesting how around people think. Putting the cart before the horse is not uncommon. In fact, many believe health is a grace given by God or the soul, a happy coincidence or fate, which mean it well with a. So ask the most essential relationship upside and wonder that they get sick again. Many people do not so much to fulfill her life in every way, but spend vast sums of money for things, which they believe that they will be responsible for their health. A certain placebo effect may assume Yes awhile… Of course, it is very important to maintain the body, to supply him, to eat varied and fresh food, not to overwhelm him etc. But the human being is for anyone with a process associated with experiences that serve this awareness. Inside man is committed in this respect objectives. For our soul, it is a great way to experience moments, to exist in time and space. She want to experience w i they can achieve these goals as a human being. Because most people do not perceive their inner voice, the Interior including talks about the body, to invite the people to let his goals do not neglect. So, every organ of the body has not only a biological physical task, but also serves as a mirror of consciousness, i.e. shows the people where he is in life. There are no coincidences here, no matter how it turns out. It is a “representation” and thus a chance to recognize a connection between inside and outside. Even an infection, an accident, a so-called inheritance, a congenital defect a topic implies. Here there is no disorder, everything is a wonderful laws and has to do with different attractions. When an organ becomes ill, it restricts the people on the other hand in certain respects and forcing him on the other hand, to behave differently.

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