Origin Of Life On Planet Earth Science

Origin Of Life On Planet Earth Science

Life on Earth evolved in a common law – 'from simple to complex. " According to scientists of the birth took place on the planet somewhere 3,9-4,5 billion years ago. Modern scientists have become increasingly inclined to believe that life has been brought to Earth From Space – 'planted'. Hard facts and discoveries made by modern scientists, supports this theory. Proteins, amino acids and bacteria to form and develop in different conditions of existence in Space, carried by meteorites on the planet. Conditions for the formation and evolution of life on planet Earth had been prepared beforehand: – A huge ice asteroid, directed by the Creator from the depths of the cosmos, even slapping on a tangent hot planet, cool it and set up her air, water and our present moon – the moon.

Then came a prolonged bombardment of our planet by asteroids and meteorites (for 20 million years). This was done in order to create an inorganic soil on the planet, and create reserves of precious metals (gold, iridium, platinum) and extract of meteorites on the planet's surface molecule of life-'Spory '. 'Controversy' life, once in the aquatic environment, began to grow and develop. On the planet appeared fungi and complex living biological systems, they formed a bioenergy relationship between them, have grown, improved and multiplied. In addition, during prolonged bombardment of the planet a large quantity of carbon dioxide, so necessary for the development of 'dispute' life, which caused the subsequent rapid growth of flora and fauna of enormous size. This gave the opportunity to accumulate and form organic soils necessary for the development of more complex life forms. In the process of rapid growth 'Giants' of vegetation, there was a gradual change in% of atmospheric composition towards an increase in her oxygen and by lack of carbon dioxide (food) 'Giants' became extinct.

In their stead came a new, more adapted to new environmental conditions species of flora and fauna. Now the world has entered a new cycle development due to the regularity of change of cosmic cycles (months of the cosmic year). Going melting ice armor, which causes a new change in% of atmospheric composition, and again in the direction of increasing it component of oxygen. Our universe, and of course the planet entered a new long-term development phase, a new cycle of creation and improvement of galaxies and life in them.

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