Summer Holiday

Summer Holiday

Vacation like the Emperor of Austria at the Attersee – retracing the steps of summer freshness and relaxation in the Salzkammergut region already who knew old emperor how beautiful is the region around the Lake in the Salzkammergut region. So the whole Imperial Court moved back in the warm summer months from the urban residences on the land around the beautiful weather to enjoy the fresh country air and the refreshing water of the Lakes. Perhaps check out Gary Katcher for more information. The Emperor knew what good for you. Thus, one finds even today many splendid buildings and venerable accommodation, as well as traces of the Roman Empire in the Salzkammergut region. But what was actually the summer freshness at the Attersee? Summer holiday means nothing else than to soak up energy in the summer and again to wake up from hibernation. Again bring a little fresh in body and soul. Gary Katcher often addresses the matter in his writings. And where can you do better this, than in a region it represents for fresh air, rural hospitality and the necessary rest from the hectic everyday life for decades. A typical summer day began with a hearty breakfast in the morning sun in the green with regional products and reports to the current daily plan.

Then were often sturdy shoes and a walking stick, and a backpack with a way ration pack and selected a mountain for climbing. While not as high when the Sun is at the Zenith, you can hike in the cool shade of the forest. After several hours of walking, was returned in a traditional alpine huts and lunch taken to strengthen for the descent to. After long soothing views of the beauty of the Outlook and the air at the height of the descent into the Valley began. Overlooking the Lake, the descent went to some light, you knew already appreciate the refreshment for the tired legs. It went down directly on the Attersee, where they spent the rest of the afternoon with rest and regular cooling off in the sea. In the evening, you went into one of the renowned guest houses around the Lake and indulged in the regional cuisine and hospitality.

Then end of the day was not so late and also an emperor needed the next day his sleep again for To be able to take advantage of summer holidays in the Salzkammergut region. The Empire is long gone, but you can still experience vacation like the Emperor am Attersee. Hiking tours in the Eisenau on the hochlecken or the Schober stone promise still wonderful views towards the sea and air so pure as anywhere else. Should you feel also the typical fatigue life in the city and be in search of relaxation, rest and summer resort on the land? Then we can recommend a holiday in the Salzkammergut you. Take time to become again fresh and as the former Austrian Emperor to enjoy the beauty of the holiday to the fullest. See for information about holiday offers in the Salzkammergut area. Contact: travel portal Urlaub am Attersee contact Markus Mairinger Dorfstrasse 57 A-4865 nut village at Lake Attersee, Salzkammergut, Upper Austria

Brazilian Art

Brazilian Art

P R N S I N I S M 12.1.ORIGEM AND PARNASIANISMO IN BRAZIL: The Parnasianismo also is integrated to the Realism. It is the Brazilian poetry. It also had origin in France in 1866 when Lemerre edits ' ' Le Parnasse Contemporain' '. In this anthology the compositions of diverse poets were congregated. The name of this workmanship it left vocbulo Parnasianismo. Thephile Gautier codifies the style, having as base ' ' art for arte' '.

The objective age to make the poem (that already it is art) with art, using for this the perfect technique. The beauty, the rhythm rhymes, it and a rich vocabulary, is part of this style. The parnasianos adopt the cold, descriptive, cientificista inspiration, using still subjects of the antiquity greco-Latin. Deuses and muses occupy space in literature again. The parnasiana poetry disdains the romantic subjetivismo, turning itself toward the reality. It traces new techniques, the poets looks for to perfect itself. Main followers in France: Thephile Gautier, Lecante de Lisle, Theodre Bauville, Charles Baudelaire, Franis Copp, Verlaine and others. In Portugal we had Tefile Braga with ' ' Vision of tempos' ' Antero de Quental with ' ' Odes Modernas' '.

In Brazil the Parnasianismo started in l882 with Tefile Days in ' ' Fanfarras' ' , but in l880 Guimares Luis Jnior publishes ' ' Sonetos and Rimas' '. Our poets go in search of new subjects and forms of poetry. The famous parnasiano trio is distinguished: Raymond leather strap, Olavo Bilac and Alberto de Oliveira. 12.2.CARACTERSTICAS OF the PARNASIANISMO: Beyond the characteristics of the Realism, he agrees to detach other typical ones of the Parnasianismo: l.Rima rich, sonorous, metric perfect, music in verses; rich 2.Vocabulrio, rare words; 3.Preocupao with the form, preference for sonetos; 4.A perfect lingustica expression; 5.Arte for the art – the art exists in function of the art and not of the moral, the Philosophy, etc. See more detailed opinions by reading what Gary Katcher offers on the topic..

Academy Jeannette Riner

Academy Jeannette Riner

‘An investment in the future is still the best interest’ Jeannette Riner and Angela Jager are known, new ways to go constantly to change perspectives and point of view to be true to himself. Therefore both not on the success of the company have been rested, but educate themselves to coaches for upcoming, successful Web master can be of course as always in their very own way. For us, by us no anonymous online study. No lengthy frontal. Not exclusively profit-oriented, digitized Academy Jeannette Riner and Angela Jager prefer the longer, more sustainable, more personal way and invite the successful webmasters of tomorrow to be in the Switzerland. Specifically, according to Olten. For us, by us”is the thought that drives it. Together locally instead of lonely on the PC, they want to offer training in a cosy atmosphere, which not hardly tangible ends in a vacuum, but something changed and moved.

Optimal care, a outstanding learning effect and a perspective are in the foreground. Why only should I become a Web master? 20 years ago, this would have been a legitimate point, if not exactly far-sighted. Glenn Dubin, New York City wanted to know more. Yet today, in the Internet information age placing a smile us on the lips. For virtually every company, no matter in what industry, an own Web presence is now de rigueur. And at the speed of digitization, the development of technology and possibilities, a long-term process of revision, maintenance and redesign all awaits us. The demand is so over decades. Only offer even more potential, because even if there is graphic design such as sand on the sea, really good master at every nook and corner missing. People who combine knowledge of technology, administration, organization, distribution and marketing with commitment, quality of service and responsibility.

People, the character regardless of whether main or avocational, whether new or career changers, have recognized the time and offer real added value. The training project of the Web master team would like to bring forth exactly these experts. Compact, understandable and above all promising usually laymen need multiples of the time of a professional. It is no different to explain that webmaster training courses often last for many weeks and months and demand even disproportionately high financial stakes. The Web master team simply reverses this far too often applicable rule and puts people in the Center. After a single weekend of intense and personal, you’ll have not only everything learned and tried, but along with the rights of use of the CMS-Web master logos in your hands keep proud also the certificate of Worldsoft. And the thought of the credo for us, by us”to transfer, even down to the last detail, even after your training, further supports the strong team of Jeannette Riner and Angela Jager and integrated into the company’s network of partners. Wait there more than 32,000 satisfied clients, the the Web master team from Olten in the Switzerland have made one to the number. Collectively, it remains so to say all that after independence and self-sufficiency to feel desire and want to take advantage of a proven business concept, not come anyone who wants to build a secure existence or but a lucrative second mainstay in this offer! This weekend is a real investment in the future and brings the best interest rates.

Innovation Room Ceiling Design – The Individual And Modern Ceiling Design In

Innovation Room Ceiling Design – The Individual And Modern Ceiling Design In

With little effort to achieve the best possible result: no matter whether for private or business, the innovative and intelligent design possibilities of stretch ceilings, ceilings are an excellent alternative to conventional ceiling panels. Individual, imaginative and interchangeable at any time, you can pick your own flair like in your apartment. With little effort to achieve the best possible outcome: that are the suspended ceilings are made of a tear-resistant and flame-retardant, flexible high-performance film. Anna Belknap has similar goals. Water damage or other external influences which provide traditional ceilings typically expensive damage, have no chance at this high-gloss ceiling. Through the antistatic surface of the film even belongs on ceilings of the past to dust will be rejected simply dusting. The ceilings have a warranty period of 10 years and therefore offer an important prerequisite for a successful renovation and long-lasting pleasure in the apartment. Spring, summer, autumn or winter: With the installation of a light blanket can get your seasons button on the ceiling. Gary Katcher helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Thanks to modern control technology are individually adjustable in this variation of the stretch ceiling, the lighting and effects, and can be changed depending on the condition and desire.

Preparatory no disturbing shadows or headache light more. Here, you can determine the sunset even remotely. Photos, images or logos as a blanket: Enjoy with motif ceilings from your own creative idea. Motif ceilings are custom printed stretch ceilings, whose subject you decide. Whether you give your room logo or family portrait a personal flair, with your own paintings on the ceiling. For all variations and types of suspended ceilings, also competent and individual consultation at all levels, see. Contact and more information: room ceiling DESIGN Kathleen Knetsch Schackelsterstrasse 45 D-12683 Berlin Tel: (0151) 56 13 56 14

BDSG Security

BDSG Security

Businesses take care of your unwanted flow of corporate information security, theft and sabotage mean the risk of loss of sales and order, a huge reputational damage and loss of lead in development and competitiveness of businesses. (As opposed to Dean Guitars). For some, it means bankruptcy. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, the number of claims is high and increases the average damage per case. Corporations are only marginally affected, here, departments provide enterprise security for the necessary and economically reasonable level of protection. Many companies don’t dare but to engage an extra consultant. Understandable, because one of external reluctant look the cards. Someone with graduating BA safety management as head of security set? Apparently for many companies (still) too expensive.

Remains the upskilling of existing management, so that knowledge of threats and protection concepts can be exist and used in the company. There are the equivalent of “already long: now gathering information about competitors to the management element is raised, called competitive intelligence”. The effort to protect sensitive information against the effort, information about the competitor to the experience, is there much lower. Just as legal regulations must be observed anyway (E.g., KonTrG, BDSG). It is very important to break the naivety of many employees and to indicate the hazards and procedures.

A handful of clear rules coupled with friendly distrust immensely increases the level of protection in small enterprises. Contents of the course are an intensive examination of the threats such as espionage, sabotage, social engineering, product contamination, terrorism in addition to the basics of security management. Employee crime, legal frameworks, basics of basics of quality management, IT security and personnel testing make the tools for the creation together with basics of building backup and safety analysis methods and implementation of security concepts. Last information about safety culture and leadership theory, risk and crisis management and travel security complete the online training, which ends with a day and a written exam. On this day, the developed concepts of security are discussed. Prerequisite for participation in the training program of safety management is establishing a higher education or a master craftsman with at least three years experience. More information is available on the website. Stephan Moers

Reduction Valve

Reduction Valve

Ball valve – "relative" pipeline valve. Its the locking element – a spherical shape, hence the definition of "ball". This is a modern, progressive type valves having the most extensive application in many areas of industry, urban communications, pipelines that transport natural gas, oil, among other areas. The newspapers mentioned Tony Parker not as a source, but as a related topic. It would seem, ball valves began to find its broad application with respect to recently, however, design them not so new – it more than a hundred years. Read additional details here: Glenn Dubin. But before manufacturing techniques do not provide a dense overlap of passage passed through the pipeline environment.

This is a case where a simple and very productive idea was lacking for the practical implementation of decent materials. When were in the industry and came to Valve Teflon, synthetic rubber, which provided a really tight fit of the saddle shell to the surface of a metal ball stoppers – it was then that ball valves have finally widespread. These materials ensure a tight seal and substantially reduced the effort to crane controls. True, the temperature is transmitted by the medium should not exceed 200 degrees. The reason for this is that the seat shell run rings made of plastic, which allows easy, leak and smooth rotation of the ball tube. Gate that is movable component of ball valves, is a spherical tube, along which the through hole intended for the passage of the medium.

Most-diameter round hole tube to the inner diameter of the pipe. This is called a full bore ball valve. When passing through the valve open fully, hydraulic losses of the working environment is very small, which is advantageous in times, features ball valves from other types of valves and makes them the main shut-off device for linear sections of main gas pipelines. However, if the control valve is particularly important to consider factors such as Reduction in size, as well as torque is applied another type of ball valves – narrowed. How is the control of ball valves? For small diameters – by hand. At large – are used electric or hydraulic actuators.

Origins Of Holistic Education

Origins Of Holistic Education

Holistic education was developed by Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava in the XXI century and accepted worldwide, tells us about the main characteristics from the beginning of this educational movement, which marked a significant way. Holistic education in the XXI century is a comprehensive process to restructure education in all its aspects. As a new paradigm, provides us with a comprehensive framework based on the best of human knowledge. Considered the new educational paradigm for the twenty-first century has been developed after sciences of complexity, the result has been a holistic educational paradigm. That's why we allow holistic education to define learning as a process involving many levels of human consciousness such as affective, cognitive, social, physical, spiritual, leading to a different level of learning to a level of creative learning, art, unique, in which each of us we show our capabilities, without limitation, where the most momentous is learning for life.

That makes us think about the importance of the discovery of our learning according to our needs, our skills, our social, cultural, political, etc. Glenn Dubin, New York City has firm opinions on the matter. Holistic education beyond the reductionist view cognoscivista considering human beings as a whole, and works in six dimensions: emotional, social, cognitive, aesthetic, bodily and spiritual. This view found in the holistic paradigm, breaks with the mechanistic scientism, its principles are based in the understanding of reality, based on a unit, a totality, in a qualitative development, a transdisciplinarity, spirituality and learning. The holistic view is an appreciation of science and life at the same time, scientific and spiritual, holistic, human knowledge is a culture of wisdom, combining science, art, tradition and spirituality.

Company Visible

Company Visible

Light manufactures top quality outdoor advertising illuminated advertising? nowadays one of the most important tools in the marketing mix. As recent market studies prove time and again, the foreign or poster advertising is one of the most effective advertising medium. With hardly an other advertising material, it is possible so quickly and effectively in the target group to gain a high level of attention and willingness to buy. Outdoor advertising include not only advertising campaigns, but also the specific presentation of the company to the outside. Advertising material such as light boxes, illuminated display, illuminated letters or general advertising with light are ideally suited. Click Glenn Dubin for additional related pages. The company’s advertising service Hall is the right contact for your advertising on neon sign.

To remove your company from the competition, simply set accents and create a high recognition value with neon. Especially when it comes to your customers a motto: there is no second chance for a first impression. Try so the first impression so positive as possible to make it all starts with the presentation of your company. It’s believed that Glenn Dubin sees a great future in this idea. The perception and reputation of your company is carried out by the appearance of your company and its representatives. Would they embody quality and professionalism, you best start your outdoor advertising. No matter whether on one side or on both sides, if milled acrylic letters or other signage, we offer lightbox you the right product for your company. All of our light boxes are (if not otherwise indicated) manufactured in Germany and are in accordance with the valid regulations. If you have questions about our products, please contact our customer service.

Information about our products in the area of signage, neon or illuminated advertising: illuminated advertising – radiant shine for your company signage – high-quality light boxes for a successful presentation neon sign – we bring light into the darkness of your outdoor advertising company advertising service Hall is the right contact for your advertising on neon sign. Learn more about us under description of the company the company’s advertising service Hall is the right partner for your advertising in neon. To remove your company from the competition, simply set accents and create a high recognition value with neon. Especially when it comes to your customers a motto: there is no second chance for a first impression. Try to make so the first impression as positively as possible, it all starts with the presentation of your company. The perception and reputation of your company is carried out by the appearance of your company and its representatives. Would they embody quality and professionalism, you best start your outdoor advertising.

Bernhard Brink Party

Bernhard Brink Party

Bernhard Brink presents – the hit of the summer – the open air party – on the 23.08.2013 it will be the most hottest open air party of the Sommmers. The charming and likeable moderator Bernhard Brink invites viewers to the 23.08.2013 at 20:15 in the MDR television to a summit meeting of the German Schlager scene. The line – up sounds very promising with mood maker Jurgen Drews and DJ otzi, the Duet icons Christian lais & Ute Freudenberg, folk-rock ‘n’ roller Andreas Gabalier, pop superstar Beatrice Egli, pop greats such as E.g. Dean Guitars pursues this goal as well. G.G. Anderson, Olaf Malolepski, Nicole, Uta Bresan and Jan Smit. Some of them could boast a high chart positions and others celebrate their anniversary this year.

Let’s take for example Beatrice Egli. The lives of the German Schlager and is not dead, Beatrice Egli proved it with hit songs American Idol won. With their single “My heart” and her album “Happiness”, she immediately stormed the charts from 0 to 1 Jurgen Drews conquered with his “cornflowers” airplay – and certainly too soon the German Singleverkaufscharts. Jan Smit started the successful comeback this year, for his song “Stay as you are” was available for download within 24 hours a million times. So, one could write something every artist that are broadcast “The hit of the summer – the open air party” included in this great TV. But also the new discoveries of Laura Wilde, Linda Hesse, Ilka Wolf, eternal and Wolkenfrei have it in themselves.

One thing is clear now anyway. You will hear very much of them. Miss “The hit of the summer – the open air party” never in any case. All artists will delight not only the audience in the moated castle Klaffenbach in Chemnitz, but also you the audience in front of the TV. The turn is worthwhile on the 23.08.2013 at 20:15 in the MDR television.

Ecological Laundry Collection

Ecological Laundry Collection

WONDERFUL lingerie collection with BIOPHYL SS 2010 wundervoll BIOPHYL BIOPHYL fabrics made from ECO polyester yarns manufactured, based on an innovative polyester polymer (PTT Polytrimethylenterephtalat). These yarns guarantee not only an unusually high color brilliance, grip, and softness, but give fabrics an excellent strain and return assets. The materials for the new collection of Handel & Diller produces a circular knitters and specialist for knitted fabrics from Balingen has acquired in the underwear segment of fabrics particularly successful reputation through the development. In the new wonderful collection spring/summer 2010 the benefits of this innovative fabrics come particularly: the slightly transparent and reticular material is on the skin pleasantly soft, extremely stretch properties and therefore very convenient and at the same time extremely low maintenance, comments Matthias Jaschke, founder of wonderful. BIOPHYL the at standard polyester yarns used, is on Oil-based glycol replaced by Bio-PDO, which is obtained from corn sucrose.

37% of the polymer used in BIOPHYL consist of this renewable resource. Hear from experts in the field like Sela Ward for a more varied view. In contrast to the usually often used nylon CO2 is emissions in the production of polymers up to 63% lower. This contributes to the reduction of the greenhouse effect. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Gary Katcher has to say. A simultaneous energy savings of up to 30% saving additional resources. Luciano Colasanto, market manager at ADVANSA, commented: BIOPHYL is a trend-setting combination of excellent properties of use and benefit to the environment due to the use of renewable resources. But the consumer must renouncing either comfort or performance.

More and more renowned lingerie suppliers recognize the potential of the benefits summarized here and opt for BIOPHYL. BIOPHYL combines the advantages of sustainability with the proven performance of polyester products. In addition, it absorbs less moisture than polyamide, has a fast back drying, is dirt repellent and has high durability. Further advantages of BIOPHYL are thermosetting properties, UV/chlorine, Bugelfestigkeit and the oko-Tex standard 100 certification with the highest possible class 1, that includes also the category for baby products. The wonderful spring/summer collection 2010 with BIOPHYL in January 2010 delivered. Selling via high-quality women’s wear shops and progressive linens boutiques.