Mexico 2010

Mexico 2010

The countdown began more than one year before the anniversary of our independence bicentennial, but now that the date is close and we are close to the month of the fatherland and get us to see the full of colored lights Avenue of Paseo de Montejo (now called the most beautiful colors: green, white and red) started to have mixed emotionsa mixture of nostalgia and pride, and sometimes, because not to admit it, before the festivities of September 16, of this, for a myriad of reasons will differ to the memories of our parades of children with a tricolor flag and the classroom decorated with crepe paper-chains; It also invades some disappointment by some situations living daily in the country, for the things with which we still have and yet we can not dodge because the headers of the news that relate to our country are not precisely what we like to read across the world. But first and foremost, understand that we are at the precise moment of history for accept the defects of our country and think how we can change them by virtues, to exalt all the good things that distinguish us and our cultural diversity. And of course, to remember, admire and imitate that small group of people who believed in if same and who fought for his ideals (and ours also) hopefully from now on, when we see any statue or wall of our heroes of independence should think that we are looking at and we are wondering if we deserve the sacrifices they made for us. Now is when we must put ahead initiative and creativity to the surface to achieve positive change that all aspire to make really our Mexico lindo y querido more than the lyrics of a song that we love to sing with mariachis. That the world we know not only by our party atmosphere, by the famous hot dogs with his hat and his tequila or tacos and guacamole, but by what we are capeces to achieve as a country.

In almost all the capitals of all the States of the country the clock of the Bicentennial placed on some important point of each city reminds us how many days, hours, minutes and seconds until missing so that we comply with 200 years of being Mexican. To dawn on September 16 when all watches marked the long-awaited eight zeros is more than a reason for drinking alcohol with friends and take lots of photos to upload to facebook, that day, the memory of a campaign that sounds far in Dolores call us to sign a pact with our country to make Mexico a more solid and better Mexico. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Gary Katcher. That all feel that we are facing an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen our feelings towards the homeland and our culture..

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