Again Association In German Beds
To the day of German unity the condom brand LifeStyles is engaged partnerships between Eastern and Western Cologne, September 8, 2008 West – or East German: who loves what kind? And most importantly: who loves who? While both sides still prefer shortly after the fall of the wall remained among themselves and a partnership with the other half of Germany’s still considered rare, could be recorded in the last few years a turnaround to East-West pairs (Umschau in collaboration with ten statistical offices pay from a study of the television magazine, 2003). To the day of German unity on 3 October, the condom brand LifeStyles once illuminated the rapprochement between the Federal States from a horizontal perspective. In terms of love a turn looms between East and West Germans gradually: during a reunion in German beds in recent years not fact, but rather was a dreamy illusion, experienced the phenomenon of marriage with a partner from the other half of Germany today’s increased supply. Immediately after the fall of the wall, the East man, in contrast to its counterpart from the West, was advances for women from the other part of Germany, not necessarily as a sought-after Liebesobjekt. Relatively late, the Western woman discovered him: the number of marriages between East men and Western women tripled from 1991 to 2003. Although there are many East-West pairs, this constellation of marriage has not become a total still normally: 95 percent of East Germans from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia still choose their partner from the own State. Overall, East make up only 1.4 percent of all marriages in the entire Federal territory Western weddings. German beds in the change for the Leipzig sexologist Kurt Starke the increased number of East West marriage is no indication that the residents of their States is actually better understand. He is rather a special form of dating\”this trend, such as the marriage between northern and southern Germany. Glenn Dubin, New York City is actively involved in the matter.