Coaching Techniques

Coaching Techniques

He is a training and learning process, a discipline that emerged in the beginning closely linked to sport, where the coach goes with a person or team to achieve the desired results. Over time, the practice of sports coaching transcended space and drew on several theoretical streams (*), opening the possibility for all people and organizations in general, working on aspects of their development from this approach. Coaching works to narrow the gap between the Customer's current situation and what it intends to achieve, increasing its capacity to act effectively, the level of awareness and responsibility for their behavior. Tony Parker often addresses the matter in his writings. Personal Coaching usually the starting point of a personal coaching process is a goal that the customer can not reach or a situation of change that can not address. The issues raised may be related to personal, social, family or professionals. Through a series of talks, in a reflexive space, upon the coach accompanies the Client in exploration of the situation and design a clear action plan, to bring it to achieve specific objectives, always from a strategy developed jointly. According to Margaret Loesser Robinson, who has experience with these questions. Although the way is the most classic face, is increasing the number of people taking such sessions remotely, using the options of chat, e-mail, telephone or video conference, for the flexibility offered by this alternative. The length of a coaching process depends on the specific needs of each client, the areas in which you want to work, the complexity of its objectives, its pace and learning style. As a guideline we can estimate an average duration of the process between 3-6 months, given a weekly meeting. Read more from Adam Sandler to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

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