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Month: December 2018

VAIO Movie Story

VAIO Movie Story

Sony does not want to be outdone in this fashion of the all-in-one and has decided to put all the meat on the spit with its new and attractive VAIO L. This desktop computer thus comes into our lives offering a splendid touch 24 inch screen and resolution Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels). Inside you’ll find an Intel Core 2 Duo (E7500 2.93 GHz or E8400 3.0 GHz) processor, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB (7200 rpm) hard drive and NVIDIA GeForce G210M graphics with 512 MB dedicated. As we could not expect less from manufacturer, multimedia benefits come to an important role in this all in one, including, optionally, Blu-ray drive as well as a series of applications of the House for the management of your recordings, photos and music. For example, there Media Gallery to find and display with comfort your files, VAIO Movie Story, that will help you in your own videos, and Assembly of the player Music Player with SensMe technology known. If you want to read more about this and other items visit technology at home Original author and source of the article.

German Friedrich Nietzsche

German Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche said: nothing more hypocritical than the Elimination of hypocrisy. When the German Friedrich Nietzsche philosopher cited that thought, perhaps thought that the hypocrites who refuse to own hypocrisy. To identify a hypocrite there are some essential points: 1. never tell you the things in front, not what they really think, even when they are with you they say that want you and tell you what you want to hear. 2. Usually people are very bitter, with much resentment and lack of self-worth, never withstand that someone is better than them in any category. 3.

They are people who need the attention and gain notoriety, by his great need for recognition and a great lack of own acceptance. 4. Never are they glad sincerely the achievements of your friends, however are very charismatic people and they can give the image of kindness. 5 Always talk behind your back and handling information that have previously had access, even in your own circle of friends. 6 When they are with you, you’re the best, the most good person, you are an Idol for them.

They are all compliments when you’re with them. The typical Wolf in sheep skin. 7. A hypocrite ever say is that who has done wrong you, which is what a true friend would do in the event that you were. 8. Always try to hurt, with the information that you yourself have given you and you can be drinking coffee with you, but inside his heart, there is only bitterness. 9. Does not accept other people succeed, and if so is somewhat murky why did obtain it and undertakes to disseminate with changes and inventions that suit him. 10 Only be friends with a person full of hypocrisy you wears, because they do not achieve their inner peace, have too much bitterness in his heart. 11 Hypocrite who says appreciate you while looking for ways to hurt you and show you negatively to others, to feel judge and Savior of a cause, the hypocrites are incapable of love. 12. Never a hypocritical person will be a quiet person, always lives and dies looking as damaging to those who surround them. 13. The hypocritical person is always reminding you sincere, good and bright it is. If a star does not need to announce that it gives light, an honest person nor need it. 14. The hypocrites present themselves as saints. If they are discovered in a lie always they have an excuse or story to explain it, even if it is somewhat pointless and unimportant tend to have enough imagination to invent things. 15. The hypocrites are always fast and punctual when it comes to point out mistakes in others and do not tend to take responsibility for their own mistakes. They are always protagonists of a double discourse. 16. The hypocrites often make too much noise. Do something huge in any detail, they need to show much, constantly talking ill of others, talking about praise themselves and the person you are at that moment. Imperatively strive to announce what they do and how spectacular that are. They try to give a good printing by all possible means, albeit trampling others. The list could go on, but these points will be enough to identify fully, if you are a victim of the hypocrisy of who claims to be your friend.

Understanding and Enjoying Christmas Shopping

Understanding and Enjoying Christmas Shopping

Without going into reflections on consumerism at Christmas that we would generate more than one item, the fact is, that if you’re missing Christmas at home, does not seem to enjoy the festivities in the same way, you’re missing something. For more specific information, check out San Antonio Spurs. We see year after year all the paraphernalia that surrounds the repeats. Phrases such as “this year we will have no cart”, “I do not care,” “sure it’s worse than last year”, etc, can be as typical as it is Christmas Christmas lottery or pay extra. We find in ourselves when memories of our ancestors having hunted mammoths took him a good home with pride. Both the hunter and the hunted have not had to have feelings similar to ours. Those who had not caught a mixture of envy Hunter and hope that tomorrow will be better, and the hunter a mixture of pride in bringing food home and “do not take away the mammoth that we have” on the other side. This translated into twenty-first century we only need to change is the mammoth by and observe that we have not changed Therefore, right?.

Looking for connections across history, it seems, that the first track they give us the Romans (I bet you find someone digs previous connections), when Romulus received from the goddess Strenia branches of fruit trees as a sign of good omen for the next 12 months – see as the meaning of this is to give good luck to Romulus to have good harvests (perhaps he needed), on the other hand here we see that the issuer the recipient of the gift and are a goddess and a king, not bad -. The next track they give us and moved to the feudal era – in this case both as gifts to give and receive more worldly, and we also like the roles of receiver and transmitter can switch between slaves and masters ( that was so nice servants, or oblige them do not know) -. Finally, going back to our times, and in the twentieth century, we see how the gift has taken a more of thanks and as usual the issuer is usually a company and the receiver is usually the worker. Currently, and following the exposed plot above, we see in recent times as the meaning can be maintained in that in the end is a gesture of gratitude, but we see how it changes something about the content and also in terms which has expanded the range of who presents her with this present. In terms of content, we see how baskets are best selected products such as life and and new ones are incorporated such as vegetables or tending to disappear products “filler” such as bottles, polvorones and nougat. That is, they tend to baskets “of less weight and higher quality. With regard to that gift, as we have added to companies, individuals who are in the basket a nice way to show love and to remember their loved ones, adding to the latter who are in an opportunity to show their thanks to you receive from them today. Greetings to all … if you want to see you no Christmas hampers forget to enter our website.



Silver media simplifies your Christmas two months are the love to party. The first gingerbread, Spekulatius and dominoes forced their way into the supermarket shelves already weeks ago. Christmas is coming so surprising that many people in early December completely panicked determine that this year on December 24 Christmas Eve is still every year. In order to facilitate the already stressful phase of preparation for Christmas a little, we have collected a few easily actionable tips for your Christmas mailing at Silver media. True to the motto of simplify your christmas”apply these tips on all of your mailing campaigns for Christmas and to be effective in this context above all one: to help you plan and implement your campaign. “” Because no matter when you send, there is no too early “or too late” there are just unused potential for not sending. Tip 1: content which can content of your Christmas mailing so varied be the offerings, which you want to communicate.

Discount actions,. about the ultimate gift idea to elaborate thanks mails all actions fall under the category Christmas mailing “. Therefore in time planning your campaign for Christmas, if necessary as well as a Follow-Up campaign, to keep your users regularly up to date. How to reach the early shoppers at the end of October, as well as the last-minute shopper on December 24. Tip 2: selection options as individual as you make the offers in your newsletter, just as differentiated, you should consider also your potential target group. Therefore select in advance and divide your customers into different groups. Who customizes his email content, specifically can respond to the needs of its clientele.

So does a banal”man-woman-selection for a last-minute gift tip quite sense: men get displayed and vice versa then appropriate gift ideas for women. Tip 3: the correct address regardless of whether the sender, in the subject line or in the title: it comes to Christmas especially on a suitable Personalization of your mailings. Sender and subject should expressing clearly your message. The use of specific data fields in the subject also increases the chance to make your mail stand out from the mass of the anonymous Christmas mailings. So, the naming of the place in conjunction with the title, and the notice increases on a Christmas surprise”the open rate of your Christmas mailings considerably. “Emails with General phrases such as Merry Christmas” Merry Christmas, Mr or Mrs XY “land, however, often unread in the Recycle Bin of the receiver. Tip 4: attractive design with a matching design can put your customers just for Christmas quite deliberately in a special mood. Images are suitable for very well. A Christmas header graphic is itself almost as saying. Have you ever thought about personalized Christmas pictures or video emails? Advertising messages packaged in this way make a lasting impression on the opener and ensure appropriately funny Packing for the one or other viral spread effect. Tip 5: after the mailing before the mailing, don’t care how often you want to send, take into account whatever special dates and deadlines. Just in the last quarter before Christmas, there are many where you can send several cause-related mailings. Unless the advent weekends, on December 6 (St. Nicholas), or on the last possible day for a parcel to point out just in time before Christmas. Also guaranteed to the extent of the last-minute shopper. And for those where Christmas despite careful planning again surprisingly”facing the door, here the daily query ability: